Monday, April 30, 2012

Number of S. Fla. pending home sales falls - Washington Business Journal:
On June 1, there were 15,246 single-familh homes, condominium units and townhomes under contract inthe tri-county area, down from 15,399 on May 25, according to the which is produced using data from . "Ws don't know if the drop in pending salesa in South Florida is an anomaly or the beginninvg ofa trend," said Petetr Zalewski, a principal with the Bal Harbour-based real estatde service company. In Miami-Dade there were 6,776 pending sales on June 1, down from 6,789 on May 25. In Browardd County, there were 5,8443 pending sales, down from 5,934 in the previoua week. And, in Palm Beach there were 2,626 pending sale on June 1, down from 2,676.
Therd were 9,302 pending sales in South Florida for the weekending Nov. 24. Since that pending sales have increasedby 63.9 percent, or 5,94e properties, according to Condo Vultures. Despite the slowdown in new contractzs in thelast week, the number of propertied on the market continues to fall. Soutg Florida's available inventory dropped by 1.7 to 83,491 residences for sale on June 1from 84,9623 on May 25. Since Nov. 24, available inventory in Sout Florida has fallenby 24,036 properties, or 22.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

South Africa to release 35000 from crowded prisons - Fox News

Independent Online

South Africa to release 35000 from crowded prisons

Fox News

March 29, 2012: South African President Jacob Zuma addresses the plenary session of BRICS 2012 Summit in New Delhi, India, Thursday. JOHANNESBURG â€" South African authorities say they are releasing up to 35000 offenders to ease overcrowding in the ...

South Africa to r elease 35000 offenders to ease prison overcrowding

Washington Post

S Africa to free 35000 prisoners

The Press Association


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Human Capital: People on the move, July 1 - Denver Business Journal:
Signature Healthcare of Brockton hired Steve Friot as directoe of health carefacilities management. He previouslt served as director of facilities operationssat . , a design and construction firm with local officezin Worcester, appointed Robert Stephens director of business health care. Stephens has more than 20 yearsa of experience marketing and selling design and construction Matthew Tepper joined CB Richard EllisInvestors , a real estatse investment management firm, as an associate director for the global multi-manager business. Tepper, formerly of , is bases in Boston.
Davis, Malm & D’Agostine PC , a Boston-basesd law firm, added Elise Wald as an associates in the trusts and estates practice Wald was previously an associate at Blankstein and LundLLP . Rob MacElhinehy , vice president of in Weymouth, was named to the boarr of directors atthe .

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lawsuit: Prime Tanning spread cancer-causing agent in Missouri - Kansas City Business Journal:
William Kemper, whose wife, Karen, died from complicationse from a brain tumor in andJanet Lasher, a Gallatin resident recentlyh diagnosed with lung cancer, filed suit in Clintonj County Circuit Court. The lawsuit allegea that Maine-based Prime Tanning, whicjh is owned by , spread hexavalent which causes cancer, across Missourki farms from the company’ds St. Joseph operation. Hexavalen chromium was used at the plant to removes hair from leather hides during thetanning process. The byproducty from that process then allegedly was spread acrossz farms througha spreader, much like according to the National Beef Leathers acquired the Prime Tanning property in St. Josepg on March 9.
“Our due diligence did not indicater any irregularities with the application of sludgeas fertilizer,” the company’e statement read. “We take these allegationsx very seriously. As such, Nationap Beef is conducting a revie of thismatter and, in an abundance of we have suspended land application of sludged pending the outcome of our investigation.” The lawsuitf contains two charges against Primes Tanning and National Beef one count of negligence and one count of stricg liability — but does not seek a specified dollar amount. Attorneys from Kansaw City-based are the plaintiffs’ local counsel.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Small airports making the most of limited improvement dollars - Pittsburgh Business Times:
As airport manager and presidengof , the airport's fixed base operator, Holmanj plans to add a general aviation air park, an industrialk park, a new administration buildinh with a restaurant and additionap aviation space for corporations. All he need is the funding to move forward. Yet, therre is a limited amounyt offunding available. PennDot's Bureau of Aviation receives onlybetween $6 millionn and $8 million annually for its airport development program. This in turn, is doled out to 138 public-usd airports in Pennsylvania fordevelopment projects, such as building terminal buildings, runways or taxiways.
Some of it -- about 65 percenrt -- is matched with federal funds, according to Brianj Gearhart, engineering manager for PennDot's Bureau of Aviation. And, it can be difficulyt for airports to get funding from sourcees outside of the state andfederapl government. Although almost everyy local airport has something goingon -- ranging from extendinfg runways to coming up with new 20-year development plans -- they stilpl are struggling to become independent from state and federalo funding, according to Sara Walfoort, transportation planning manager at the Downtown-basede , the regional planning agency for a 10-countyy area in southwestern "Aviation has made a remarkabld comeback since 2001," she said.
"Now, if we coulds see an economic upturn and get morebusiness activity, that would be wonderful. Airports are still struggling tobe self-sufficienft and come up with new ways to make money." Airportes such as Latrobe-based get most (97.5 percent) of theit funding for capital projects through state and federal grants. the last part is fundedd through a local match that comes from the airportr andthe county. This as well as the airport'sa operating expenses, come from services such as landinhg fees, fuel sales, car rentals and revenuer brought in fromthe airport's restaurant.
The airport also sometimeas issues bonds to get the locaol money for thecapital projects, according to Dwayne a spokesman for the Westmorelan d County Airport Authority. Butler Countyu Airport and Arnold Palmer are both extendinb their runways to makethem safer. While Arnold Palmetr received $9 million in state, federakl and local grants forthe funding, Butlef County Airport has receives $4 million. At Arnold the move will enable the airportg to accommodate a 757 and bettedr serve its charter aircraft by allowing them to take off with more fuel and according to airport managerGabe And, Rock Airport of Pittsburgh has receiver $9.
3 million in state funding to help pay for a runwah extension. The airport just opene d up its runway to traffic at the end of Januaryt for the first time sinced it began the project fouryear ago, accordinfg to Rock Ferrone, president of Ferronr is now working to get additionalk funding for the developmenyt of Rock Airport and hopes the airpory will be selected as part of a new federakl pilot program designed to pay airports what the value of the land would be if it were developes as something else such as a Wal-Mart. He plans to raise $11 million in funding to build ahangarf facility, terminal building, fuel facility and FBO, as well as for additionap lighting and a ramp area.
Of the $11 million, the statw has already committed $5 million and Ferrone hopes to get theadditional $6 milliobn from the pilot program. Ferrone expectz to find out within the next 90 days whethe r the airport is selected for the If not, he plans to seek out privatee lenders. "We would be the first airpory in the nation to participatein (this) special pilo program," he said. "It cures the development rightsz of privatelyowned airports.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

U.S. likely to fight $3B Talecris sale - Triangle Business Journal:
billion purchase of Research Triangle Park-based due to antitrust concerns. Australia-based CSL says that duringf a meeting with Federal Trade Commission officialszin Washington, D.C., Managing Director and CEO Dr. Brian McNamee was told that FTC staff has recommendede that the goverment move to block the Talecris which would createthe world’s largestr maker of therapies derived from blood The company expects the commissioners that govern the FTC to decid e at their meeting May 28 whether they will challengw the CSL-Talecris merger, spokeswoman Rachel David said. The FTC staff has not given CSL details on specific antitrust concernzs about the proposed purchase of David said.
“We really need to wait for a forma decisionbefore we’ll be able to David said. FTC spokesman Mitch Katz said the commissionj does not comment on pendingb transactions and that it does not even confirj whether there is an But he said companies are free to say what they Talecis officials were not immediately availablefor CSL, Talecris and market leader of Illinois control 83 percent of the U.S. market for blood-based drugs. But the FTC staffd apparently sees a need for more than two dominangt players on the domestic playinyfield – which is what woulsd be left if CSL bought Talecris. Talecrisw is one of the largest companiesw based inthe Raleigh-Durha m area.
The company, which posted 2008 sales exceeding $1.4 has more than 2,000 Triangle employees – about 600 at the RTP a few hundred more at a testingf lab in Raleighand 1,500 at a manufacturin g plant in Clayton. The deal with CSL calle for the Australian company topay $1.9 million in cash for all the sharew of privately held Talecris. CSL also would take on $1.2 billion in debt. Talecris Biotherapeutics was formed in when private equity companies Capital Management and Ampersand Ventures boughft what was then the plasma divisiojn of for morethan $300 million. Cerberuzs and Ampersand originally planned to exit their investmentg by bringing Talecris to thepubli markets.
Talecris filed for an initial publiv offeringin 2007. But and tighyt credit markets kept the IPOon ice, and the CSL deal was announcee in August. Almost immediately, analysts and other observers warnedof . More recently, warner that the federal review of the proposede purchase could extend until close to the Augustf deadline for closingthe deal. If the sale to CSL failes to go through, Talecris will have to chary a new course for thefuture – one that eithert will include an IPO or a sale to anotheer buyer.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sales of imported ros wines leap 42 percent - Washington Business Journal:
U.S. retail sales of imported wines leapt 42 percenr in the 52 week period endingApril 4, compared with a less-than-5-percentt increases in total sales of table wines durin g the same period, according to data cited by the . The Frenchh wine council, known in France as Consei Interprofessionnel des Vins de Provenceor CIVP, said Mondau the steep rise in rosé consumption is consisteny with an earlier studty by International Wine & Spirit Records predicting that consumption of the popular pinkish wines worldwidse will jump from 565 million bottles to 620 million by 2012. Not the CIVP expects the growinv thirst forimported rosé winexs in the U.S.
market will bode well for particularly its Provence wine The French produce 28 percent of worldwide rosé wines by volume, makinb it the leader in the according to the wine counsel, which represents 700 Provence wineriews and 55 local trading companies. Provence produces 38 percent of France’sw rosés, the group Separately, Nielsen figures revealed that2008 U.S. sales of rosé table wines priced at $6 per bottles or more jumped 24.9 percent by price and 22.4 percen t by volume, despite a weakening economy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

bizjournals: Methodology
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Sunday, April 15, 2012

CicLAvia draws some 100000 cyclists, skaters, pedestrians - Los Angeles Times

CicLAvia draws some 100000 cyclists, skaters, pedestrians

Los Angeles Times

The car-free event, closing 10 miles of streets in downtown Los Angeles and beyond, brings people outdoors to explore different neighborhoods and enjoy the spirit of a citywide block party. Cyclists make their way east down 7th Street near MacArthur ...

LA streets close for city's 4th CicLAvia

Bike-riding day celebrates joys of riding 2-wheelers

Los Angeles Daily News

CicLAVia Offers Miles of Opportunity for Angelenos

Sacramento Bee -KTLA


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Largest commercial wave project eyes stimulus cash - Portland Business Journal:
, a publicly held wave energy developmenrt firm basedin Pennington, N.J., hopes to placre an array of 10 buoys off the coast in Reedsport to generatse 1.5 megawatts of electri c capacity. Ocean Power will look to bid for federao stimulus money fromtwo angles. The firstg is from the $42 millionh allocated to Oregon for the State Energy Program, which, in part, helps fund renewablde energy projects. The other is from the , which has about $2.5 billion in federal stimulus money for renewable energuy research atits disposal.
The total costs of the project are unclear, but Ocean Power’s pitch for stimulux money indicates an investment of “tens of millions” to be spent in That includes contracting with Oregon companies for installation and fabrication of the buoys. Companiexs like Clackamas-based , for example, are amongb the bidders hoping to manufacturethe “What we see here is an opportunitg to create jobs in Oregon,” said Herbert Nock, Ocean Power’w vice president of business development and “Whatever Oregon stimulus money went to the projectf would go directly to Oregon jobs.” The wave energyg array would take two to thre years to develop.
Whil e it would be a source ofcleab energy, the development is ostensibly a research projecg for Oregon’s nascent wave energy industry. The Northwestg National Marine Renewable Energy a federally funded research facilityin Newport, hopes to use data from Ocean Power’sd project to further its research. “The national center is about saidRobert Paasch, an associatew mechanical engineering professor at Oregonm State University and interim directoe of the center. “In order to have evaluatiom we’ve got to have devices in the The Newportresearch center, however, won’t likelu be receiving federal stimulus money.
Paasch said the centeer will get a boost inother ways. The research budget of the U.S. Department of Energy’sz Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy sectionb was boostedfrom $10 million to $40 million for fiscal 2009. Of that, $30 milliojn is for marine renewableenergy research, Paascnh said. The Northwest National Marine RenewableEnergu Center, Paasch said, stands a strong chance of securing increased research money, helping to accelerat e its work testing renewable energy devicess through its test berth. Ocean Power meanwhile, has its eyes on the next project — a potential 100 megawatt wave energh array at Coos Bay.
Nock said the companyu is in preliminary discussions with state and local officialsw aboutthe development. “Now you’re talking abouty some serious power,” he said.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Polygamy to Be Outlawed -

Polygamy to Be Outlawed

The Recognition of Customary Marriages Bill currently under consideration by the Law Reform and Development Commission would effectively outlaw the practice of marriage to more than one person at a time, regardless of whether it is a civil or customary ...

and more »

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Organic Electronics Market Will Reach USD 44.8 Billion Globally in 2018 ... - MarketWatch (press release)

Organic Electronics Market Will Reach USD 44.8 Billion Globally in 2018 ...

MarketWatch (press release)

ALBANY, New York, April 10, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research ( ) "Organic Electronics Market - Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, ...

and more »

Sunday, April 8, 2012

This ancient whale enjoyed tropical waters -

This ancient whale enjoyed tropical waters

Researchers aren't sure why modern belugas have left these tropical destinations and strayed pole-ward, where life would seem to be more difficult. The fossil had been sitting in the collections of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History ...

and more »

Friday, April 6, 2012

'X-Men' sequel avoids 'Catching Fire' conflict - New York Daily News

'X-Men' sequel avoids 'Catching Fire' conflict

New York Daily News

By Taylor Hom / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS The sequel to "X Men: First Class" will begin shooting next January, a delay that  »

Thursday, April 5, 2012

MFH study: Mo. voters most concerned about health care - St. Louis Business Journal:
Previous studies had shown that the econom was most important to voters in the Thenew study, which polledd 800 Missouri voters, shows "a significant shift in the Missourii public across party lines and regions of the said Leslie Reed, MFH vice presidenrt for health policy, in a "We found that there is a grea deal of anxiety about the health-card system... and people want the government to take action to coverthe uninsured. "As the state legislatur debates how to revampthe state'zs Medicaid system and addresses othed issues related to health-care coverage, we wanted to learn about current attitudes and priorities held by Missouroi voters," she said.
The study also foundr that a majority of respondents want to see the state restor e cuts made to theMedicaidc system, even if it meand raising taxes. The study was conducted by of Washington, and The of Alexandria, Va.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Palace says fewer areas experiencing brownouts in Mindanao - GMA News

Palace says fewer areas experiencing brownouts in Mindanao

GMA News

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said DOE issued a circular last month to rationalize the power supply in the region, resulting to fewer areas now experiencing brownouts there. “Dahil dito sa circular na ito mas konti na po 'yung mga ...

DOE: Fewer electric coops in Mindanao experiencing power outages

< br />

More areas free from power outages--DoE

BusinessWorld Online Edition

Mindanao must adopt new system to stabilize power

Business Mirror


Sunday, April 1, 2012

San Jose Restaurants & San Jose Dining Guide
The Grill on the Alley (in the Fairmonr Hotel) 172 S. Market Street San CA 95113 408-294-2244 It