Tuesday, November 29, 2011

World's top aid forum held amid financial jitters - The Associated Press



World's top aid forum held amid financial jitters

The Associated Press

"As a country that has successfully transitioned from destitution to a developed nation, Korea is especi »

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Temporary workers 'urgently need help' - The Nation


The Nation

Temporary workers 'urgently need help'

The Nation

SERC has set up a shelter for affected migrant workers in Samut Songkram province. SERC is trying to help migrant workers who have lost their documents to secure the paperwork necessary for re-employment, Suwit said. Temporary workers ' urgently need ...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

ASU poll: Southwest residents back health system reform - Phoenix Business Journal:

Arizona State University’s poll also showes that support for health care reform is highestamong middle-ages respondents. Close to two-thirds of those ages 31 to 44 and 61 percentg of those ages 45 to 60said “a great deal of is needed. Fewer than 10 percent in these two age categoriewsindicated “no reform” is needed at all. Resultx from the poll were based ona 45-questioj telephone poll conducted by the Institute for Social Sciencee Research at ASU. The poll asked 501 adult residentszin Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas their opiniona on several issues, including health care costes and quality, electronic medical records and the On the question of the U.S.
governmentr guaranteeing health insurance for all even if it meantraising taxes, support was highest among younger respondents, while 42 percenyt of respondents age 61 and older said they are “stronglyy opposed.” Specifically, 53 percent of all the respondents or “somewhat” favored the U.S. government guaranteeing healtj insurance. That figure jumped to 61 percent for thosre ages 18 to 30 and decreasedd amongolder respondents. On the subjec t of health coverage, 89 percent of those polledf said they are covered by health a health plan provided bytheir employer, a governmeng program like Medicare or or something else.
Of thosee who had health coverage, 72 percent indicatef they are “very” or concerned that costs will increase in the next Respondents also were asked to evaluate health care in this country and in their Olderrespondents (ages 61 and and males rated the quality of health care in this countrhy as “excellent” or “good” – 53 percent and 46 percent respectively – more often than youngef respondents (ages 18 to 44) and femaleds – 36 percent and 35 percenyt respectively. The Arizona State University-Southwest Poll was conductexd by telephone March 30 toMay 10.
The resultse from the full survey have a margin of sampling errot of plus or minus 4percentag points.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wisconsin gets $2.3M to help dislocated workers - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

million in additional federal assistance for workersw in Janesville and Beloit who lost their jobs becauses of the collapse ofthe U.S. automotivs industry. The funds are the second installmenyt of a morethan $3.8 million Nationapl Emergency Grant pledged by the U.S. Department of Labor to help dislocateed workersfrom , , and , Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle said The National Emergency Grant prograjm provides funding to states when significanr events create a sudden need for The funds will be used to help dislocated workeres with training related expensess and with expenses for job search Services are being coordinated by the Department of Workforcr Development and provided throughthe .
Supportivew services include travel payments, child care and other trainingrelated expenses. Workers with skilla in demand are being assisted in job searcbh activities including workshopson resumes, interviewing and analysis of transferabl e skills.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tighter credit makes franchising a harder nut - Phoenix Business Journal:

“Historically, franchising as a businesse model has been extremely resilient to economic slowdowns, which has helped spur the pace of economic said Matthew Shay, president and CEO of the Internationa Franchising Association, in a recent press release. the credit crunch is constraining this potential growth and slowinteconomic recovery.” According to LLP’s Franchise Business Economidc Outlook for 2009, in the years followiny the burst of the dot-com bubble in the number of franchisees increased on averagre by 5.6 percent per year through 2005. But by when credit began to tighten, the pace slowe to 2.1 percent.
PricewaterhouseCoopers is furthet predicting that in 2009 the numberr of franchisees will declineby 1.2 percent, a net loss of some 10,0000 establishments. Donald MacDonald, founder of , a plumbing, draihn and sewer cleaning franchise basedin Billerica, remains optimist. He said his franchiswe has grown steadily to more than 450 franchiseeszsince 1981. He says his franchise did not see any slowdowhn in franchising untilthis year, and he expects growth to continus when credit eases. “People lost a lot of money in the so they’re exploring their he said. “There are a lot of people out therekicking tires, so we expect some (prospects) will be directecd into sales.
” However, the lending environment looks gloomy in the Bay Statde for franchisees, said Jim Coen, executive directort of the and president of the Dunkin’ Donut Independent Franchise Owners. “Banks are requiring a lot more skin in the said Coen. “Deals that could have been made two or even ayear ago, are not beinb made today.” Coen said banks that were lookintg for 15 percent down a few yearz ago are now looking for 30 percent to 40 percentt down and are requiring more nonbusiness assets as “So there’s been a lot of franchising businesses that have slowedx down,” he said. But there are still financinv options available.
“We identified that community banks are more willinfg to lend in the last six soif you’re a franchise with a nationalo brand, or just a strong that usually works well for a communityt bank,” Coen said. is anothe financing source availablefor franchisees. Elizabeth spokeswoman for the Massachusettxdistrict office, said about 15 franchises have successfully applied for loans since and loan approvals for all small businessesz are up 45 percent since the Americab Recovery and Reinvestment Act went into effect in Coen, who has spent over 25 years in the franchisinfg business, says pursuing a franchis opportunity in poor economic timesx makes sense for entrepreneurs because “there’s a successful businesxs model to follow.
” But he also cautions that “nor all franchises are worthy of your time and But obtaining financing and investing in a soli franchise is no guarantee of succes if entrepreneurs fall into the usual trapes that lead to business failures. “The challenge is that you’red going into a recession, so you need enough resources to be able to lastthrougj it,” Coen said.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mercury News Editorial - San Jose Mercury News


Mercury News Editorial

San Jose Mercury News

Some may not sympathize with the hundreds of California State University faculty who went on strike Thursday to protest management's decision to withhold raises that were promised in 2007 contracts. Many private-sector workers have gone years without a ...

and more »

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Missing toddler found dead in St. Louis suburb - Boston.com


Daily Mail

Missing toddler found dead in St. Louis suburb


Police say the body of a sm »

Sunday, November 13, 2011

JI announces sit-in against corruption - The News International


JI announces sit-in against corruption

The News International

Addressing a press conference on Sunday, JI Lahore Ameer Amir ul Azeem added winds of change, which begun from Tunis, Egypt and Libya had reached Pakistan and JI intended to make Icchhra overhead bridge into another Tahrir Square for ousting the ...

and more »

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What happened to and what's next for failed personhood measure? - CNN (blog)


The Guardian

What happened to and what's next for failed personhood measure?

CNN (blog)

"Personhood USA understands that changing a culture â€" and changing a country â€" will not happen with one election, and so it is not unexpected," a statement on their website reads. "We thank the over one quarter of a million Mississippians who voted for . ..

Mississippi Rejects "Personhood" for Inseminated Eggs

Comedy Central

Mississippi Rejects Bill to Grant Pre-Embryonic "Personhood," Outlaw Fertility ...

Democracy Now

6 Reasons Mississippians Said No to "Personhood" Amendment

Huffington Post


Monday, November 7, 2011

Workers at two MillerCoors plants ratify new deals - Nashville Business Journal:

and Fort Worth, Texas, have ratifiedx new, three-year contracts. The agreements cover more than 900 employeex at the two breweries and provide wage and pension increases over the coursde ofthe contracts. “Our members overwhelmingly ratified these contractse at MillerCoors because they provide stability fortheir families,” said Jack Cipriani, directofr of the Teamsters Brewery and Soft Drink Workers which represents workers at the breweries.
“For the next three our members at MillerCoorsa know that their wages and pension benefitsawill increase, which is saying a lot in today’s The contracts call for no health care cost increases for workerxs in the first year of the contract and only minor increasesw for the second and third according to the union. The new deal also guarantees that employeex who have retired or who will retire duringh the course ofthe three-year contracts won’t be required to pay healthj care premiums.
“We value all generationa of our members, so we made sure that there were improvementsw for both active members at MillerCoors and the retireesw who had paved the way before with their long years of Cipriani said. The Teamsters union represents 1,200 MillerCoords workers nationwide. The union also represents workerds at the MillerCoors breweryin Irwindale, Calif. Negotiationse for a new contract covering employees at the plant areunder way. MillerCoorw is a joint venture between MillerBrewing Co., Milwaukee, and Coors Brewinb Co., Golden, Colo., that launched in July 2008. MillerCoorzs operates a major brewery and regionao officeon Milwaukee’s west side.
Workers at the Milwaukese brewery are represented by Breweryu Workers Local 9 of the United AutoWorkerzs union.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

UNM grants protestors limited permit to be in Yale Park - KOB.com



UNM grants protestors limited permit to be in Yale Park


The University of New Mexico is allowing (Un) Occupy Albuquerque protesters back in Yale Park, but with strings attached. UNM has granted the protesters a limited permit to be in the park starting Tuesday. But there are many who still feel free speech ...

and more »

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Existing iPhone owners may face stiff upgrade cost - Dayton Business Journal:

The prices announced, from $199 for an 16-gigabytse model to $299 for a 32-gigabyte only apply to "new and buyers. But existing ownerds who want to swap to the newdevicesz won't get the big subsidy from the iPhone's exclusive servicde provider, that new customers will get. They will have to wait until theirexisting 2-year service contract runs out to get the lowef price. That boosts the pricer on the new phonesfrom $199 with a new contractr on the 16-gigabyte model to $399. Upgrading the 32-gigabyte modell will cost $499 versuz $299 for new customers.
This represents a change in policyg from when the current iPhone 3G was released last year and existingy owners were allowed to upgrade at the same pricse asnew customers. When that happens, AT&T ends up absorbing the cost of the new subsidy on the new something itapparently doesn't plan to do this year. MG Sieglerd writes on the TechCrunch blog: "Why this matters is that the dislikdof AT&T, mixed with a not huge update to the iPhonse and a higher subsidized pricd could be a perfect storj for users that normally would upgrade, not to.
I probablgy will because the iPhone is integral to my work and I coulde use more speed and but the factthat I’m questioningf it should say something. I didn’yt question it for a seconxd last year." A third and long-awaitesd $99 iPhone price for the 8-gigabytew version announced Monday by Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) appears aimed at luring customerse away from the new Palm Pre whosse sales began on Saturday. The Pre costs $199 with a $100 mail-ih rebate and a two-year service contract with its exclusiveservice provider. Palm (NASDAQ:PALM) said late on Monday that sales of the Pre broke its previous records for a new but declined to giveexact figures.
Analystsz estimated that there werebetween 50,000 and 100,000 of the devices sold and worried that the company could face a problek in keeping up with demand.