Monday, November 29, 2010

TCU to become all-sports participant in Big East beginning in 2012 - The Daily Athenaeum

TCU to become all-sports participant in Big East beginning in 2012

The Daily Athenaeum

AP Texas Christian University Athletic Director Chris Del Conte speaks at a news conference Monday, announcing that the school will be joining the Big East ...

and more »

Builders of low- to medium-income housing anxiously await HUD stimulus - bizjournals:
million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to jump start delayed building projectsw acrossthe state. THDA will post on its Web site its selectio n of Tennessee buildersFriday afternoon. Builders eligible for the funds build and manage singleand multi-family rentalk units for low- to-medium-income families. The funds came to THDA througuha $2.2 billion ARRA allocation to the U.S. Departmeng of Housing and Urbanb Development for the Tax Credit Assistance Program and the Sectiob 1602 tax creditswap program.
Under norma economic conditions, these kindz of builders rely on tax credits from THDA to begin work on a housing The money givesbuilders up-front equity in projects to help them get loanzs from financial institutions perhaps wary of investing in a development that will producew low rents. These credits can give builders upwarxdof $10 million over 10 years. Once builders’ tax credits are they can sell them to investment firms and companie s looking to lower their tax Inyears past, builders coul d get around $.90 on the dollard for their tax credits. Sincd then, the credit market shrank.
Traditional investors like and have been sideliner and the value of tax credits They now payaround $.65 per dollar — that is, if anyonwe will buy them at all. “Withn all the shakeups in the economy, people have just stopped buying tax credits and now hundreds of millions of dollares in projects are stalled in says , founder Harold Buehler. “Thids is the first time in 20 years I am not buildinba house.” Buehler has had to lay off six hard-working” construction employees this year. He was approvesd for $9.7 million in tax credits last year to builcda 125-unit, single-family housing developmenr in North Memphis.
The project is on hold becausehe can’tf find a buyer for the credits. Shoulf the THDA choose to fund the project withARRA Buehler’s awarded tax credits will turn into grant money from the government. If approved, Buehler would take the grant guarantee letterr from THDA to a constructio n lender and get a loan for the remaindee ofthe project. If all goes well, he says his companh will start the project in the Patricia Smith, director of public affairs for THDA, says when the monet is released, economic stimulation will “This money will simply create jobs,” Smitb says. “The construction industry is down and jobs will becreatedf there.
Materials will be purchased so we’re confident that in Tennessede this relief is goingto work.” Buehlerr projects roughly 6,000 jobs could be saved or createcd if even most of the building projects on hold in Tennesseee can move forward. “I’ve hears it said that for every 100homesa built, there are 100 jobs Buehler says. “That’s from the guy at the bricko company to the one who delivers the brickm to the worksite and, finally, to the guy who puts the bricko on the house.” When HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan announced the ARRA funds on July 1, he said nearly 1,000 projectz were on hold across the U.S.
that accountee for nearly 150,000 unitsz of housing.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

IU's Bush applies battlefield lessons - Indianapolis Star

Indiana's NewsCenter

IU's Bush applies battlefield lessons

Indianapolis Star

"I learned a lot of life lessons in the military," Bush said. "I just learned to appreciate the little things. We get a chance to come out here and play ...

Indinana and Purdue players learn life lessons in Oaken Bucket game

Indianapolis Star


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

OIG Keeps Close Eye on Sleep - Sleep Review

OIG Keeps Close Eye on Sleep

Sleep Review

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) singled out payments for polysomnography and sleep testing in its fiscal year 2011 Work Plan. The Work Plan states ...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Coffee Culture spreads in WNY - Business First of Buffalo:
The Canadian-based Coffee Culture will be opening the doorzs to its first downtown Buffalo location on Mondah in the Key Center at Fountain Plazztwin towers. Coffee Culture is opening whered Edrito’s once operated. In the meantime, on Thursday, boughrt a former Long John Silver’s restaurant at 2631 Sheridanm Drive in the Town of Devcorpaid $300,000 for the according to documents filed in the Erie County Clerk’s office. Devcor bought the building from , an out-of-towh investment group, that owns several local properties. “It was a very smoothh transaction,” said James Knight, a brokert with M.J. Peterson Commercial Real Estate, who handled the deal.
Long John Silver’e closed that location severapmonths ago. Knight said several restaurant groups lookerd at the property before the Coffeed Culture dealcame together. “It was a popula r spot,” Knight said. Coffee Culture is using the immediate Westerm New York market as its initial foray intothe U.S. market. The Mississauga-baserd company opened its first local restaurantr on Main Street in Williamsville in A second location in Ellicottville openee twoweeks ago. Besides the Town of Tonawandaw site, Coffee Culture has plans to open outlets in Batavia and on Elmwoode Avenuein Buffalo, said James Geiger, vice president of real estater and franchise development.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dow Chemical will buy Rohm and Haas April 1 - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The companies said Midland, Mich.-basec Dow (NYSE: DOW) would close on its purchase of Philadelphia-base Rohm on April 1. Rohm and Haas operatesa a plant on Camp Ground Roadin Louisville. The originalo purchase price of $78 per which values Rohm ROH) at $18.8 billion, including the assumptionh of debt. But the companies said a $2.5 billiob equity investment in Dowby Rohm’se two largest shareholders — one of them is the was part of the settlement. Dow began to back away from the originapl deal after a joinr venture with that was expectes to yield funding for the Rohm acquisition was dissolved by the The company also cited thesourinb economy.
Rohm filed a lawsuit to forcee the completion ofthe merger. "The restructuringt of the terms of the transaction allow s Dow to maintain financial flexibility as we proceee to implement our strategy in a way that realizesd the original promise ofthis acquisition," Dow Chairma n and CEO Andrew Liveris said. "By reaching agreement on the termxs forthis transaction, we have delivered excellent value to Rohm and Haas Rohm and Haas chairman and CEO Raj Guptw said.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Menswear store Harleys moving to Lakewood Building - Business First of Louisville:
Owner Tim Ryan had said late in 2008 that he was planninbg to remodel and cut 50 percent ofthe store’s floor spacw at 4009 N. Oaklanxd Ave. However, Ryan announced Tuesday the store will relocate toa 4,100-square-foott space in the Lakewood Building, 3575 N. Oakland in September. Ryan, who owns Harleysw with his wife, Janet, said he wantecd to stay in Shorewood. “This is our home and we are deeplgy committed tothe community,” he said. Ryan said one of the advantagee of the new siteis off-streett parking. The Lakewood Building, a mixed-use residential/commercial properth constructedin 1962, is undergoing a $1.2 millionj renovation. The building is owned by Garrett McIntosh.
Harleys has contracted with architect Stephen Bollingbroke of Development Collaborative Limited in Mequon to do an interior The village of Shorewood providee financial incentives to both the buildingb owner and Harleys to improve the facade and interiodr space of theLakewood Building.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

State suing coin dealer amid crackdown - Houston Business Journal:
state coin dealer as part of a multistate crackdowh on allegedconsumer fraud. Cordray said Wednesdauy that his office has filed suit in Hancockj County Common Pleas Courtagainst Amityville-based and its Barry Rothman. The state alleges Alliance violatedf Ohio consumerprotection law, and it want s to levy financial penalties and hold the companyt responsible for reimbursing consumers. Cordray’s office said the dealedr of rare coins allegedly hasused high-pressurew sales tactics over the phonew and is targeting seniore citizens in its business pitches.
Cordray claims the companuy has misrepresented the value and investment gradd of the coins in its business dealingas and operated without registering in the state as atelephonre solicitor. Reached by phone Wednesday, Rothman declined to commen onthe lawsuit. Kim Kowalski, a spokeswoman for Cordray’s said the state’s investigatiom began after it received a complaint froman 82-year-olfd Hancock County resident who allegedly spent more than $25,000o on Alliance coins to later discover they were wortyh much less. Alliance claims to offet a 15-day refund window, but that might not be enough time for consumers to discover any gaps in theAttorney General’s Offic said.
The Hancock County complain t is the only one filedd withthe state, but Kowalski said the officde is aware of other allegations made by Ohio The lawsuit is part of a nationall sweep dubbed Operation Shorrt Change that targets companies accused of exploiting consumersz amid the recession. Ohio is one of 14 states that havefilerd suits, while the has mounted 15 casesx and the is pursuing 42.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Anchor BanCorp amends credit pact - Triangle Business Journal:
Under the terms of the amendment, the maturityu date on Anchor’s balance of the $116.3 million loan has been extendeed for afull year, and is now May 31, and no principal payment is due prior to the maturityh date, Madison-based Anchor (NASDAQ: said Friday. “The significant additional time afforded by the amendef terms of the loan agreement provides us an opportunity to work our financial strategy to achievwe fulfillment of the conditions of our line of saidDoug Timmerman, chairman and CEO. Timmerma said Anchor executives believe the amendmentwith U.S. Bank will assisyt Anchor with plans to raiseadditional capital.
Anchor BanCorp in March had reached an agreement to exten the due date for the creditwith U.S. Bank until near the end of May. The extensionb relieved Anchor BanCorp from reducinygits $116.3 million debt on the line of credit to $60 millioj to meet an automatic principal reduction of the loan commitment. If Anchorr had not paid the debt, U.S. could have seized Anchor BanCorp in a foreclosure proceeding.
AnchorBank fsb has 74 full-service officews and two loan origination-only offices, all in

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bank of America and Chase Bank to appear before Congress this week regarding ... - Aomid


Bank of America and Chase Bank to appear before Congress this week regarding ...


Representatives of Bank of America, Chase Bank and several other lenders will be appearing before Congress in sessions starting on Tuesday November 16. ...

and more »

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Jerry Brown's style: Out with double-breasted suits and wardrobe consultants - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Jerry Brown's style: Out with double-breasted suits and wardrobe consultants

Los Angeles Times

For many Californians, 72-year-old Jerry Brown's return to Sacramento for another go at being governor brings with it more than a little dab of déjà vu. ...

Jerry Brown's wife provides focus for governor-elect

North County Times


Saturday, November 13, 2010

HT exec candid about what isn't in store uptown - Charlotte Business Journal:
But first the Matthews-based grocer has got to figurwe out how to turn a profit at its boutiquee store at325 W. Sixt h St. That was the revealinfg messageKeith Rudemiller, the chain'sw senior vice president of real estate, offeresd recently at a meeting of uptown Rudemiller said the store has presented challengesa because -- at just 20,000 square feet -- it doesn'tt allow the grocer to carry all the productds it needs to offer to be profitable. "We have no planxs to roll it out yet becausewe haven'ty figured out how to make money at he told the group.
"There was a need for a full-lined supermarket downtown with all of the rooftops We saw everything coming together in a nice fashioh and hoped we could make something Of great interest to Harris Teetef officials is getting a handle on the shopping patternas of urban dwellers and also parking For anygrocery store, that's like searching for the Holy "The clientele there have very different shoppinv patterns and habits," Rudemiller said of uptown. "Theg don't have as many children or pets, we sell less dog fewer high-end steaks, but we do sell more In metro areas suchas Washington, Harris Teete r is already trying unique store Three stores in the D.C.
market have mezzanine-leve shopping that houses departments such as healthand beauty, wine and greeting cards. "Charlotte is on the cusp of moreurbah development," Rudemiller said. "We are learning a lot from this is gearing up to open itssecond Charlotte-area eatery next with the start of renovations at the forme Billy's in Park Road Shopping Center. "We are excited to expan d intosouth Charlotte," says Lance co-franchise owner.
"The people of this area have been very good to The Park Road location was chosen for its exposurde to traffic andthe building's abilitg to handle the restaurant's décorf -- racecars and motorcyclesx hanging from the ceiling and gas station memorabilia on the walls. "Wed felt being close to SouthPark mall and the SouthPark businesses would help us draw many saysTim Weaver, co-franchise owner. Quaker Steak Lube opened it first area location in 2004 off Speedwagy Boulevardin Concord, and the Pennsylvania companh continues to scout N.C. locations. Ready to roar at the home of the ?
Now is your as the NFL club's planas its annual weekend warrior flagfootbalol tournament, slated for April 1-2. Registration for the 4-on-45 tourney (ages 21 and older) is $240 per team, with proceedse benefiting theLevine Children's Hospital. Rileh Fields, Panthers community relations director, says winnerw will receive championship rings and even be feted withan on-fielxd ceremony at a preseason game. Details are available at Charlotteans won't have to travel to Hollywoofd to experience the excitement of Oscar night becauser the is going to stage it OnMarch 5, the orchestra will host the city'ws only Academy-sanctioned Oscar Night America party.
It'ss one of 46 officialp parties to be held across the country that Organizers hopethe black-tie fund-raiser will net $95,0090 for the nonprofit musical To land the event, scheduled for the Omni Charlottr uptown, orchestra officials had to apply to the Academy of Motiobn Picture Arts and Sciences. "They had decided on the sitess for the parties when the application wassent in, but they thoughf our application was interestin and decided to select us," says Shannon Griffin, Charlotte Symphony spokeswoman. "We'vs done everything they have wanted and and they say they arereallty impressed.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Insurers: Short-term health plans on rise - Phoenix Business Journal:
In fact, sales of individual policies, both shortg term or permanent, are both up over 30 percent from the same periodslast year, which was a record salesw year for the insurance company, said Margaref Jarvis, a spokeswoman for Blue Cross and Blue Shielf of Texas. An increased interest in individual plans, particularlyh for short-term plans for thosed who need temporary coveragebetween jobs, can be seen in the recenr launches of more short-term individual plans by major insurancer companies. For instance, UnitedHealthcare’s subsidiary recentluy introduced two new short term healtgh insurance plans in Texas that offert coverage from one to12 months.
They are designed specificallgy for those who cannot afford or aren’t eligible for Cobrq in the troubled economy. Cobra is a federally mandated programm in which workers who lose their jobs have the right to maintainj their health insurance plan at their compant for a set periodof time. The idea behined Cobra is to make sure aworker doesn'rt have a lapse in health insurancew while in between jobs. The time that someone coulf be on Cobra was recently extendeed through thefederal government's stimulus bill, and premiums for laid off workersx were also reduced.
said it launched a simila short term insurance product called HumanaOnee in April that is being offereddin Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin. The need for thes types of temporary plans are have become greater in the current Golden Rule CEO RichardCollinws said.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Business Courier of Cincinnati: Business Events Calendar
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Court gives Labor Department win in Triangle Labs 401(k) case - Triangle Business Journal:
The judgments came in the wake of a civi l suit filed in federal court in Northh Carolina against for fund According to a release issued by the Atlanta office ofthe , defendantx Joseph Morales, a former Triangl Laboratories chief operating and Donald Harvan, a former Triangle Labs vice president, were orderecd to restore $54,317 and $25,009 to the fund, respectively. Defendants Debbis Monaghan and Craig Stoke were ordered torestore $9,0009 each. Former company president J. Ronald in a consent order, was barresd from serving as a fund InMarch 2008, the courgt appointed Jeanne Bryant as independent fiduciary to overses the plan’s assets.
In its the Durham-based firm employed 180 peopls and landed such high profiler assignments as identifying contaminants in rubble at Ground Zero in New York and trackingb environmental damage from the rupture ofthe . Such successd was short-lived, however. After breaking even in accordingto Triangle’s bankruptcy filing, the compang posted a loss of $146,596 by 2002 and, facex with debts totaling $5.67 million, filed for bankruptcy two yearws later.
The benefits case was investigateby EBSA’s Atlanta Regional “When fiduciaries fail to act in the best interests of plan participants, the Labor Departmentr will vigorously enforce federal laws that protect the rightsd of employees to theid retirement funds,” said EBSA Atlantaa office head R.C. Marshall.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Conference Board employment index edges up in May - Dayton Business Journal:
The organization’s Employment Trends Index was up 0.2 percent from 89.7 in April and down from 113 in May The Conference Board said The index number is relatived to 100 for 1996. “While it is too early to say that the ETI has the moderation of the last two monthsd is certainly a sign that the declinde in job losses is real and signals that the worst is Gad Levanon, The Conference Board’ss senior economist, said in a release.
“However, as the economid recovery over the coming months is likelgy to bevery slow, we stilo expect the unemployment rate to continuse to increase to double digits by the end of this year and into Percentage of respondents who say they find “jobs hard to get,” gathered from The Conference Boarc Consumer Confidence Survey. Initial claim for unemployment insurance, from statistics. Percentage of firms with positions not able to fill rightr now because of inability to findsuitable candidates, from the . Numbefr of employees hired by the temporary-help from the . Part-time workers for economic reasons, from Bureau of Labor Job openings, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Industriap production, from the . Real manufacturing and trade fromthe . The Conference Boardr is an independent NewYork City-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provid organizations with the practical knowledge they need to improve theif performance and better serve society.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rice-Tulsa creates family feud at Randolph house - Houston Chronicle

Rice-Tulsa creates family feud at Randolph house

Houston Chronicle

AP | USA Today Top 25 | BCS While Rice looks to make a late-season push and Tulsa seeks bowl eligibility, something much bigger will be at ...

and more »

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Museums offer new exhibits - Dayton Business Journal:
Dayton Art Institute: Dayton-area residents may view the 50-painting collection Children inAmerican Art, which reflect children in habitual life and flauntsz some of the greatesrt names in 18th and 19th century Open to the public Sept. 20 througn Jan. 4, and borrowed from the Museum of Fine Arts in famous artists such as John Singleton Gilbert Stuart, James Abbott McNeil Whistler, Winslow Homer, Mary Stevenson Cassatt and John Singer Sargent are on This exhibition, however, is different than most at the art Donors can “adopt” one of the chilc portraits in the program called Adopt-a-Painting.
Donors choose a piecew of art, becoming the parent for a time, and their name is placedf beside the work inthe exhibit. Prices rang e from $2,500 to $5,000, and 15 already have been adopted. For those who simply want to admirethe paintings, tickets are free for membersx and children under 6, $14 for adults, $12 for seniors and students and $6 for Currently at the Dayton Art Institute, and on displah until Nov. 16, locals can see their neighbors’ artwork. The special exhibit features jewelry, mosaics, paintings and drawings created by67 Dayton-areaa residents.
A-muse, an array of piece made by the Institute’sz instructors and students ranging from 5 to 65yearsw old, will be open free to all The students’ work was created in classes held at the museuj in 2007 and 2008. In addition to the Dayton Art institute has two floorw of diverse galleries open free to the publi c from10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdauy through Sunday, and until 8 p.m. on The Springfield Art Museum, knowh for showcasing local andregional artistry, is currently featurinh an exhibit by professor Tom Macaulay. Tom Macaulay: Installation, the exhibit features a maze createds of white and brown cardboard boxes and standing over 12feet tall.
In an attempgt to evoke a perception change on how onlookersdsee themselves, visitors can weav through the tight space and are challenged to keep track of wherwe they are located. See Macaulay’s work from now untiol Sept. 20. Springfield museum visitors may want to stop by theHalleyg Gallery, a space dedicated solely to art inspired by presidential electionas throughout American history. Come see the 14-footr Uncle Sam statue, drawings of eagles, presidential oil voting buttons — everything from elephants to donkeyes in various stylesof art. Some pieces are conventional; other s have the folk style, veering from main streamj artschool styles.
All works, however, invokw statements in someway, and bringt about thoughts of the democratic said museum curatorCharlotte Gordon. The Springfield Art Museum is openes from9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays; 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on and noon to 4:30 Sundays. With an entrancde fee of $5 — free to membersx and to all on Sundays guests pay a general admission and can see the specialp features and permanently kept works inthe seven-gallery

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dayton region's Swine Flu count climbs to 12 - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The reported that as of noon June 10 there were 47 confirmef cases of Swine Fluin Ohio, up from 38 in the past two Clark County has the most casesw of the counties in the Daytohn region. Of the six cases reportesd in Clark County, Northridge Middle School students accounted for five of the And inMontgomery County, a Vandalia-Butler studenrt became a confirmed case last week, whil e two Dayton Public Schools students were confirmecd this week. There are four total casea in Montgomery County. There are 27,737 confirmed caseds worldwide, according to the , with 74countriees having at leastone case. There have been 141 deaths confirmed caused by Swin eFlu worldwide, according to the WHO.
The U.S. has the most with 13,217 confirmed cases. There are caseds now in all 50 statesplus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, accordingh to the federal . There have been 27 confirmeed deaths inthe U.S. Butleer County – 2 (30-year-old male, 13-year-old female)Clark Counth – 6 (15-year-old male, 25-year-old male, 12-year-old male, 15-year-old 13-year-old male, 14-year-old male) Cuyahoga Counthy – 6 (41-year-old female, 9-year-old male, 14-year-oldx female, 14-year-old female, 13-year-old male, 14-year-old Franklin County – 16 (31-year-old male, 33-year-oldr male, 18-year-old male, 20-year-old female, 19-year-old 21-year-old male, 20-year old male, 22-year-old 23-year-old female, 19-year-old male, 11-year-old female, 13-year-oldr female, 35-year-old female, 44-year old 8-year-old male, 41-year-old male) Lawrencr County – 2 (2-year-olx male, 8-month-old male) Montgomery Countyy – 4 (16-year-old male, 13-year-old female, 9-year-old 17-year-old female) Cuyahoga County – 2 (20-year-old 16-year-old female)