Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tredyffrin project is part of Penn health consolidation - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The 90,000-square-foot center in Chester County at routews 202 and 252 is expecteed to open in the summerof 2010. Kevin Penn’s senior vice president and chief administrative saidthe outpatient-care centerf will join similar medical facilities already open in Radnor, Newtowhn and Cherry Hill. “At one time we had 106 physicianb practices aroundthe region,” Mahoney said. “Whatt we are doing is bringinhg those practices together at larger sites where patientsd come and seetheir primary-carr doctor, get X-rays and imaging servicexs and see Penn specialists — all at one Penn’s goal is to have abouf 20 easily accessible multispecialty centers aroundc the area over the next five years.
The Tredyffri n outpatient center will initially providse space for60 primary-care physicians and specialistx along with radiology and lab services. To promote an integratesd modelof care, the doctors will all shares space as opposed to being in separatw offices. Electronic medical records will be used to link the site with othersz throughout the Pennhealth system. Long-term plans for the site call for an ambulatory surgery center and additional clinical Whenfully developed, the center is expected to handlde 150,000 patient visits a year and employy about 200 people. About half the fundingv for the project is comingt from money bestowed to Penn fromthe .
The otherd half is coming from thehealth system’z operating capital. Established more than a century ago, the trust set asid e funds to further the developmenr of Penn educational programs in the ValleyyForge area. The trust funds will be used to creatd theHenry P. Erdman Education Center at the outpatient-care facilityh that will serve as a training site for hundreds of Penn medicalschool students. Dr. Marjorie Bowman, a professodr and chairwoman of Penn’s department of family medicins andcommunity health, said the education component will make the Tredyffrin site differen t from other Penn multispecialty practice sites in the system.
“We’lkl have medical students out there, four to six at a away from the university,” Bowman said. “That isn’t We have students rotate through our Clinicap Care Associatespractice sites, but never several students at a time with this kind of intensity in the Bowman said she worked with Mahoney for severalk years to make the project, complicated by the terms of Erdman’s will, a reality. “The family medicines educationportion [of the center] was the key to meeting his Bowman said.
Mahoney noted Penn once owned a portionm of the sprawling Chesterbrook business campuxs in the Malvern section of Tredyffrinthat was, at the turn of the envisioned as a possiblr new home for the . That move neve r happened, and Penn eventually sold the land in Chestere Countyin 1972.

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