Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Archway doubles in size with acquisition of Resolve division - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
has completed its purchasde of the supply chain management divisionof Toronto’ s Resolve Business Outsourcing Income Fund. Archway paid about $21 millionb for the division ofResolvw (TSX: RBO.UN). The deal included client eight American locations and five Canadian as well as approximately800 employees, according to a press release from Resolve. As a result of the Archway has nearly doubled in size to annual revenuesz ofabout $200 million and closee to 1,500 employees and 3.5 millio n square feet of distribution space, Archwayg said in its presx release. Archway is a marketing operations management company that assists firms with rebates and consumer promotions.
It is also one of the largesty managers and inNorth America. Archway has more than 40 including Target, Mars, Ford, MasterCard, Subway, Taco and Microsoft. Resolve’s supply chain management division has approximatelyg 225 clientsincluding Honda, Miller Brewing, Pepsi, Staples, Philip Morris, Procter & Gamble and Kimberly-Clark. Archway said this deal will help it gain more economies of scalew and land more business in the turbulent fulfillmeny andpromotions industry. “Major brands are streamliningt their marketing resources and looking for partners they can count on to perform the work of multiple statedMike Moroz, president of Archway.
“Morse importantly, they need to be confidenr that their partners are going to be in businesse tomorrow andnext year.” Archway is privately held. In Novembeer 2008, Tailwind Capital Partners and Black Canyon Capital acquired the company along with the Archwaymanagement team.

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