Monday, February 6, 2012

Cincinnati Fine Arts Fund campaign falling short - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Scott Provancher, vice president and campaign director at the Fine Arts said the campaign has raise about 65 percent of its goal to orroughly $7.6 million. That’s 8 percent less than the campaigm had hoped to raise by this time to meetits $12 millionn goal. If that trend holds true, the campaign will fall $960,000 short of the $12 milliojn raised last year. To close the gap, locao arts organizations are talking up the campaigb every chance they get from now through its conclusiojnApril 30, Provancher said. The Fine Arts Fund also is promotinvg a challenge grant fromthe .
The foundationm will match any new gifts to the Fine Arts Fund upto “We’re hoping it gives us a little bit of push for the next couplre of weeks to make sure we’re not leaviny any opportunity on the he said. “In terms of where we realistically are going toend up, it’z really hard for us to tell at this point.” Provanchet said the good news is that the campaign hasn’g seen many past donors drop out Rather, many loyal donors are giving less this “Though we’re tracking behind in terms of revenure where we want to be, the support has been he said.
“There’s a real sense that the heritags of arts and culture here in town runspretthy deep, and we’re clearly seeing some of the correctiom that a lot of otherr industries are seeing.” Provancher said he hopesz that concentrating on new, small gifts will help close the gap and broaden the base of donords to the Fine Arts Fund for future And the Fine Arts Fund is tapping into everyg channel possible to do it, including Twitter and direct e-mails, he said. The Fine Arts Fund was foundesd in 1927 as the Cincinnati Institute of Fine It supports local arts institutions throug fundraising andsupport services.
The annuao campaign was established in 1949 as the firsft united arts fund in the countr y and has raised morethan $200 milliojn for its member organizations.

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