Friday, January 20, 2012

U.S. jobless rate hits 9.4 percent - Portland Business Journal:
The BLS said the unemployment rate continuedto rise, increasingt to 9.4 percent from 8.9 percent. Steepl job losses continued in manufacturing, whilr declines moderated in construction andseveral service-providing industries. The numberr of unemployed persons increased by to 14.5 million in May. Since the start of the recessionm inDecember 2007, the number of unemployed people has risen by 7 and the unemployment rate has grown by 4.5 percentage points. Unemployment rates rose in May for adultymen (9.8 percent), adult women (7.5 percent), whitesx (8.6 percent) and Hispanics (12.78 percent). The jobless rates for teenagerxs (22.7 percent) and blacks (14.9 were little changed over the month.
The unemployment rate for Asianxwas 6.7 percent in May, not seasonally up from 3.8 percent a year Among the unemployed, the number of job losers and peopler who completed temporary jobs rose by 732,000 in May, to 9.5 This group has increased by 5.8 million since the starg of the recession. The number of long-term unemployes – those jobless for 27 weeks or more increasedby 268,000 over the to 3.9 million, and has triplerd since the start of the recession. The BLS’ May repory said the jobless ratefor management, business and financiapl operations hit 4.6 percent, up from 2.7 percenrt last year, and the rate for professional and related occupation s hit 4.2 percent, up from 2.
5 percentt last year.

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