Saturday, October 1, 2011

Climate issues have to matter - Philadelphia Business Journal:
That is why in I established the , and why it was our greay honor in November to launchits U.S. chapterd with an event in Philadelphia, the birthplace of my Princess Grace. My cousin, John B. is president of the U.S. chapte r of the Foundation, and is deeplty entrusted withthe family’s work. Our missio n is to support the environment by accelerating action and mobilizing peoplr and resources aroundthe world. The foundation has chapters in France, Switzerland, the Unite Kingdom and Canada.
Only together can we tacklr the greatest challenge the worldhas seen, for the climatd crisis extends far beyond the borders of any single country and, in fact, unites us as a global For a nation roughly the size of New York City’s Central Park, Monaco has a historyh and reputation for rising to the defense of the natural world. In 1873, Prince Albert I, a visionary scientisg who sailedthe world’s oceans, helped build the foundatiojn of modern ocean studies.
Monaco under Prince Ranief developed reforestation to preserve mountainous landscape in neighboring communitiesw and established agreements protecting water resources and marine In Monaco, we have for a long time implementer systems to convert garbage into fuel that producez energy for municipal needs. To encourag e use of electric we established recharging stations free forpublic use. We openes special traffic lanes for public minimizingtraffic jams. And the Prince Albert II of Monacoi Foundation was developedto promote, among other thingse climate protection worldwide.
To date, it has awarded more than $17 millionb in grants to more than 70 projects relate toclimate change, preservation of biodiversity and water We have partnered with many organizationds including the , Conservatiom International, the , the Fielde Museum in Chicago and the with Professodr Jeffrey Sachs of . But even the greates t organizations and minds in the worlrd cannot solve this crisis without the concertec effort ofpeople everywhere. This situation compels each one of us to take concrete action if we want to protect the planet forfuture generations. The environment belongs to all of us and it is our duty toprotecy it.

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