Thursday, October 21, 2010

Business groups pace waiting room as Senate conceives health care plan - Business First of Louisville:
President Barack Obama has mobilizedrthe grass-roots supporters that helped elect him to lobbuy for his vision of health care reform, which includes offeringh Americans a government-run healthj plan as an alternative to private insurance. A coalition of labor uniones and progressive organizations plans tospenf $82 million on organizing advertising, research and lobbying to support the Obama Business groups, meanwhile, mostly are workingf behind the scenes to shape the While they have serious concerns about some of the proposalse — including the public plan option and a mandates for employers to provide insurance — few are tryingh to block health care reformm at this point.
The cost of healtj insurance has become so burdensome that something needs to be they agree. “Nobody supports the statusw quo,” said James Gelfand, the ’s senioer manager of health policy. “We absolutely have to have

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