CBC.ca | Comedians Organize a 'R » |
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sling Media gets $10.5M in funding - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
of San Mateo, says it's received $10.5 million in Series A fundingfrom , and undisclosedc strategic investors. Terms of the investment were not "An enormous gap exists betweehn what is possiblewith today's digital entertainmentg technology and its usability by consumers. It is our position that 'CE' should stand as much for consumer experience as it does forconsume electronics," says Blake Krikorian, chied executive officer of Sling in a written statement. The compang says it's readying its first product -- the Slingboz Personal Broadcaster -- for market.
It's described a device that allows users to enjoy their entire live TV experiencw fromany device, via any anywhere in their home or aroune the world. The Slingbox connects to and content from anycable box, satellite or personal video recorder. It's expecte d to be in the market during the first quarter of thecompany says.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Bristow Group passes $1B revenue mark for first time - Houston Business Journal:
For the year, net income was $104 or $3.41 per share, on revenued of $1 billion, compared with net incom of $74.2 million, or $2.74 per share, on revenue of $843.6 in 2007. Net income for the year includeda $5.3 milliom loss related to the sale of its Grasso business in Novembef 2007. "Fiscal 2008 was a year of tremendousz achievement and progress forour company," said Williak Chiles, president and chief executive officer of Bristow. "We surpassed the $1 billionm mark in revenues for the first time in ourhistor -- up 20 percent from fiscal Meanwhile, the Houston helicopter services compan reported net income for the fourth quarter ended March 31, of $27.
2 million, or 89 centsd per share, on revenue of $260.4 million. That compared with net income of $27.3 million, or 91 cents per share, on revenuw of $216.7 million, for the same quartere in 2007. Analysts expected Houston-based Bristoqw (NYSE: BRS) to have net earnings per sharse of92 cents.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Finesse and Skill Trump Height - Wall Street Journal
Myrtle Beach Sun News | Finesse and Skill Trump Height W » |
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Austin Peay making its move - Nashville Business Journal:
The school is advancing into Dickson and Roberston counties with satellite campusexs and is looking to buy as many as 11 propertiesz in the downtownClarksville area. Meanwhile, a $4.7 millionn expansion of its satellitd campus at the base in Fort Campbelp is within a monthof opening. The new APSU Centert at Fort Campbell, a 22,000-square-foot is funded through state bondx and will mean more classes for Military enrollment at the school is atan all-timr high, with more than 1,500 students at the Fort Campbell campus. Demandx for classes in two nearby counties isdriving expansion, says Julia McGee, director of the university’s Centere for Extended and Distance Education.
“These communities approached us with partnership so we’ve been able to find ways to take offeringse off campus without incurring debt to the McGee says. The Robertson County satellite approved this week and slated for completionnin 2010, will provide two- and four-yea r degree programs. in Gallatin will administer the two-yeart associate degrees. The city of Springfielr and Robertson County will sharwethe $6 million tab for construction, and locak businessman Billy Batson donated seven acres next to for the NorthCrest, the county’s main hospital, also has donateed $500,000 for the first two years of the school’ds operating and maintenance costs.
And, Robertsomn County employers have contributedf morethan $100,000 for the school’s thirx year of operating expenses, says Paul Nutting, city managerf of Springfield. “We had enougg people partnering onthis project, so we were able to pull it off. We thinko it’s going to really help the businesscommunitg here,” Nutting says. According to the latest U.S. Censuzs Bureau data, 5.1 percent of Robertsonm County’s 60,561 residents have an associate Another 10.7 percent have a bachelor’s degree. “Wee need to give our residents a chance for anaffordabler education,” Nutting says.
“Many can’t afford to move away from home or pay high There are no major capital expenses forthe school’z expansion into Dickson County. Degreew programs will begin in the fall atthe , a nonprofif education and arts center in Dickson. The centet is donating space in its technology wing forthe classes, and Austin Peay is partnering with on the The school also is investing in propertied near the school’s 168-acre campusw in downtown Clarksville. The university budgeteds about $2 million for property acquisition in saysMitch Robinson, APSU’s vice president of finance and No new state or federal funds are being used for he says.
The school’s long-range plansz include buying propertiesfor parking, student housintg and additional academic buildings. “The school’zs impact on downtown Clarksville is saysJames Chavez, president and chief executive officer of the . “It’s very much one of our majot economic drivers for new businessesand developments.” APSU is also expanding because of the anticipated growth in Clarksville. , which recently announced planss to builda $1.2 billion solaer cell manufacturing plant for 800 workers, has pledged $6.4 millioh to the university. The money is for a new academic laboratory and sixchemistry professors.
Associate degrees in appliedx science will be offered to trainn theHemlock plant’s workforce.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Report: Forest Service had no warning plan - Texarkana Gazette
MyFox Memphis | Report: Forest Service had no warning plan Texarkana Gazette ... in a report released Friday that the agency had no warning plan in place the night campers died in a flash flood at Albert Pike Recreational Area. ... US: No warning system before deadly Ark. flood Forest Service making changes after deadly Albert Pike flood |
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Business groups pace waiting room as Senate conceives health care plan - Business First of Louisville:
President Barack Obama has mobilizedrthe grass-roots supporters that helped elect him to lobbuy for his vision of health care reform, which includes offeringh Americans a government-run healthj plan as an alternative to private insurance. A coalition of labor uniones and progressive organizations plans tospenf $82 million on organizing advertising, research and lobbying to support the Obama Business groups, meanwhile, mostly are workingf behind the scenes to shape the While they have serious concerns about some of the proposalse — including the public plan option and a mandates for employers to provide insurance — few are tryingh to block health care reformm at this point.
The cost of healtj insurance has become so burdensome that something needs to be they agree. “Nobody supports the statusw quo,” said James Gelfand, the ’s senioer manager of health policy. “We absolutely have to have
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
William Richard (Bill) West - KTBS
William Richard (Bill) West KTBS Gilliam, La-William Richard (Bill) West was buried on October 7, 2010, at Evans-Richie Cemetery in Vivian, LA in a graveside service. ... |
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
State vying for big biotech facility - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Peach State is among severao vying for what might be a vaccin e or pharmaceutical manufacturing operation that could locate on more than 100 Atlanta Business Chroniclehas learned. Winning the project could do for Georgia’sa biotech industry what will do forthe state’zs auto industry, said Mike president of the , after beingy briefed about the details. “It woulsd be an outstanding recruitment [tool for new Cassidy said. The company, which could be considerinfg three cities, is said to be negotiatinf economic incentives with the asource said. Georgia economic development officials declinef comment on the possibledevelopment — dubbed “Projecf Boss.
” The potential development could add to the region’sa biotech credentials, already enhanced by hostingy the 2009 BIO International Convention, the world’se largest bio conference,in May. It would also be an economid development coup akinto ’s global headquarterx relocation from Dayton, Ohio, to Duluth. The ATM and self-service kioslk maker said it would brintg morethan 2,100 jobs to Georgia, includingf nearly 900 at a manufacturing operation in Atlanta Business Chronicle first reported June 1.
Metrlo Atlanta, home to the , has the criticalp infrastructure to support a biomedical manufacturing The region is home to the EmoryVaccine Center, billedd as among the largest academic vaccine centers in the world and known for its expertis e in vaccine research and development, and clinica trials. In 2007, and The launchedr the Center of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillancee to developflu vaccines.
Carol who directs the Innovation and Technology Office at the Georgia Departmeng ofEconomic Development, is leading efforts to land the biotech a source familiar with the effort Activity is said to have picked up in the past two Henderson’s recruitment builds upon the existing alliancee and resources between the University Syste of Georgia, the Centers of Innovation, the Georgia Researcyh Alliance and the Georgia Biomedicak Partnership and Biotechnology Industry Organization. The biotechj firm has been shopping sites for at leasgta year.
Project Boss was “planning to potentially deploy twomanufacturinv facilities” that combined could employ about according to a request for information dated June 5, 2008. The facilitiexs could be located in thesame region, or in separatre locations, the document noted. The company, however, is said to have downsizef thoseinitial plans, sources said. The economy, and more specificallyt the pressure for companies tocut costs, is forcinh companies in general to take longer to make big decisionsx such as a major relocation, said Heidu Green, deputy commissioner of the Globak Commerce Division at the Georgia Department of Economic Development.
“It’s typically taking 12 to 18 months to Green said, declining to specifically comment on Project Boss. The biotech firm, said to have scouted Cobb, Douglas and Gwinnett counties, is seeking locations with internationalpair access, available life science labor, and an abilitu to source and attract engineersz and Ph.D.s, the reques for information noted.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Government-insured mortgages skyrocket - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
FHA and VA loan applications roseto 35.9 percenf in June, up from 25.7 percenr a month earlier and 27 percent a year Since the MBA survey'sz inception in January the lowest recorded share was 5.8 percen t in August 2005. The government-insured share of applications to purchases homes last monthwas 38.6 up from 27.8 percent one year ago. Those applicationd have averaged 36.6 percent to compared to an averagreof 21.8 percent during the same period last The low point was in Augus t 2005 when it was 6.
8 percent, the MBA "A primary reason government-insured loans have retainedd a high share of the purchase markeg is that these loans typicallyy require lower down payments than conventional loans," Orawin MBA's associate VP of economix forecasting, said in a news release. "In addition, lendin g standards tend to be tighter for conventional especially for loans that require privatrmortgage insurance.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Clark County middle school to remain open after fifth student has Swine Flu - Dayton Business Journal:
, whose students account for five of the has decided to remain open Mondagy and Tuesday as it finishexs theschool year. Rick Broderick, superintendent of the NortheasterhnSchool District, said attendance is down by one-third, but at this pointt has been pretty steady compared with last “At this point we feel parents have prettt much made their decisions,” Broderick said. The Clark County Combinesd Health District said Monday there were six confirmed cases of Swinw Flu inthe county, with five of thosse from Northridge Middle School, and one remainintg suspect case.
There are now eight confirmed cases in the Dayton region up from two a weekago — and 27 tota l cases in Ohio, which is up from 13 on May 19. Thers are 15 total suspected cases inthe state. The eighgt local cases include one in MontgomeryCounty (a 16-year-olfd male), one in Butler County (a 30-year-old male) and six in Clark County (a 12-year-ols male, a 25-year-old male, a 15-year-old male, a 13-year-olx male, a 14-year-old male and a 15-year-old female.) The Swind Flu — or H1N1 virus is now in 12 Ohio counties as it continues to spread.
There are 12,954 confirmed cases worldwide, accordin to the ’s latest briefing May 26, with 46 countriesd having at least one There have been 92 deaths confirmed caused by Swine Flu worldwide, according to the WHO. Mexico, where the illness is believed to have has 4,174 cases and 80 deaths, accordinb to the WHO. The U.S. has the most with 10,053 confirmed and probable — up from 8,9754 last Friday. There are cases now in all 50 statesw plusWashington D.C. as of 11 a.m. Monday, accordinv to the federal . There have been 17 confirmed deaths inthe U.S., with three in Texas, four in three in Illinois, one in Washington, one in four in New York and one in Missouri.
officialxs said that as of 5:30 p.m. Fridau the official number of confirmef cases of Swine Flu inOhio were: Clark County – 6 (15-year-old male, 25-year-old male, 12-year-old 15-year-old female, 13-year-old male, 14-year-old •Cuyahoga County – 3 (41-year-old female, 9-year-old 14-year-old female); • Franklin County – 10 (31-year-old 33-year-old male, 18-year-old male, 20-year-old female, 19-year-olxd female, 21-year-old male, 20-year old male, 22-year-oldr female, 23-year-old female, 19-year-old male); Portage County – 1 (39-year-old female).
People who are sick are urgerd to stay home from work or school and to avoid contactgwith others, except to seek medical care. This action can avoif spreadingillness further, health officials said.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Six Flags, a Gates investment, seeks Chapter 11 - San Antonio Business Journal:
Six Flags’ (OTCBB: SIXF) board of directors on June 12 votedc to begin reorganization proceedingsin U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Districytof Delaware. The company listed assets of $3.03 billion and debtxs of $2.36 billion in its filing. Cascade the Kirkland-based investment firm for Bill owns 11.1 percent of the voting securities in the New York-baseds company, bankruptcy documents show. Cascade Investmentsd is listed as the largest holder ofvotinh securities, followed by at 9.1 percenf and at 6.65 percent. The values of the holdings were However, Six Flags has 97.7 million share s of common stockand 1.1 million sharex of preferred stock.
Six Flags’ stocki closed June 12 at 26 centsa share. That suggests Cascadwe Investments' stake in Six Flagas could be worthabout $2.8 million. Six Flags in 2007 sold its water-park properties, including Wild Wavexs & Enchanted Village in Federal Way, to investors in After a seriesof transactions, Inc. acquired Wild Wavez and six other properties nationwidefor $312 CNL then leased the water park to Parc7F Operations Corp. of Jacksonville, Fla., whicn operates the properties.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Farmers Citizens opens Upper Arlington branch - Business First of Columbus:
, a subsidiary of holdingg company , said it recently opened an Upperf Arlington branch at 2821 Fishinger The 40-year old site most recentluy was a Cord Camera store, the company said. The new, 10-employewe branch is the seventh for Farmeres Citizens and its second in Central joining a branchin Worthington. Davidd Dygert, regional president of Farmers said in a release that the new office is a stront addition for the bank in the regiobn as more than half of its business bankinv and commercial lending customers in the last decader have lived or worked inUpper Arlington. The branchn also continues a spate of recent growth forFarmersa Citizens, whose assets total abou $280 million.
The chartered in 1907, has opene three new branches in the past three The first of those three openings was the Worthingtonh branch in the summerof 2006. As of June 30, Farmera Citizens had about $182.6 million in deposits, accordint to the Of that about $61 million was in Central
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Linde Supplying Hydrogen to Shell Texas Refinery via a New 14-Mile Pipeline - Kansas City Star
Your Industry News (press release) | Linde Supplying Hydrogen to Shell Texas Refinery via a New 14-Mile Pipeline Kansas City Star Linde North America has begun supplying hydrogen via a newly constructed 14-mile pipeline to Shell Oil Company's complex in Deer Park, Texas. ... Linde helps Shell meet new clean fuel standards |
Friday, October 8, 2010
PERB chair Rystrom dies - Business First of Columbus:
Rystrom was appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to the five-member PERB boardr in August 2007. She became chair in February 2009. The board enforces collective bargaining laws that coveer more than 2 millionCaliforniza public-sector employees. It also rules on challenge to decisions issuedby PERB’w general counsel and administrative law “Tiffany Rystrom capped a distinguishedf career by channeling her passioh for the law into public service,” Schwarzenegger said in a statemenft following her death.
“Shes raised the bar on integrity and consistency with the Rystrom entered the legal field aftere six years in advertising and She started in 1977 as judicial clerok in the California Courtof Appeal. She went on to becomr deputy district attorney in Marin County before moving to the Office of the Californis Attorney General and intoprivatee practice. She is survived by her long-time California Labor CommissionerAngela Bradstreet.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Justin Bieber tapped to host new incarnation of 'Punk'd' - The Inquisitr
Reuters UK | Justin Bieber tapped to host new incarnation of 'Punk'd' The Inquisitr Wait, you may be asking- isn't Justin Bieber's entire career an episode of Punk'd inflicted on Twitter and America as a whole? Apparently, someone has found ... Out of Ideas, MTV Hiring Bieber for Punk'd Revival Punk'd Returning to MTV รข"With Host Justin Bieber Report: Justin Bieber To Host A Revamped Version Of Punk'd |
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Report: Property values fall 23.4% - South Florida Business Journal:
Home prices in the Orlando-Kissimmee slipped 23.4 percent in Apri when compared with the same month a year the seventh highest percentagwe of decline among some ofthe nation’s largestt metro areas. The Orlando-Kissimmee marketf posted a 20.9 percent decreaser in home values in March when compared withMarcuh 2008. Florida passed California to postthe second-highest rate of home prices depreciation at 23.2 percent. Nevada topped the natioh with a 26.1 percent drop, while California the leading state for 20 consecutivemonthsa — landed third at 22.7 percent. Nationwidse housing prices fell 10.
2 percent in Apripl compared to ayear ago, representing the smallesy year-over-year decline so far this year. The national decline peaked at 11.9 perceny in January 2009 and has since beentrendingy down. First American CoreLogic’s LoanPerformance Home Price Index evaluates the residential real estate market based on timebetween sales, property type and loan type, as well as increaseds and decreases in saled prices for the same homews over time.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Colts have felt pain of Scobee's foot before - Indianapolis Star
Boston Globe | Colts have felt pain of Scobee's foot before Indianapolis Star JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Josh Scobee walked up to quarterback David Garrard on the Jacksonville sideline before the Indianapolis Colts tied the score late in ... 'Historic' Win Against Indy |
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Is WSU on the cusp of a major upset? - ESPN (blog)
Is WSU on the cusp of a major upset? ESPN (blog) Washington State leads UCLA 28-20 in the third quarter. When is the last time the Cougars led this late in game? Two things: One, Coug fans ... |
Friday, October 1, 2010
Solar cell maker Suniva moving to Gwinnett - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Inc. will spend $75 million to open a new facilityuin Norcross, Ga. (NYSE: FR) hassigned Sunivq to a 60,000-square-foot lease. The new spacwe will be used tohouse Suniva's firsty production lines for its high-value solar Suniva expects to create 100 jobs in the cominv year. A low-cost manufacturer of solarf cells, Suniva was founded by Georgia Tech solae energy expert Ajeet Rohatgi inAugust 2007. It then tappee tech veteran John Baumstarkas CEO. "This is a grear Georgia story," Baumstark said during a news conferenc e at thestate Capitol. "This technology came out of Georgia Tech. ...
We believe in the We believe in the state and in theworkforce So, we're going to make a largw investment here." Rohatgi won a patent in September 2005 for inventing a new way to manufacturw solar cells. The patent says the new process results ina solar-cell performance and efficiency and reduced processingg time compared with other solar Rohatgi is the founding director of Georgia Tech' University Center of Excellence for Photovoltaic Researchj and Education. His research there includes the understanding of impuritied in silicon solar cells and the design and manufacturinvg of efficientsolar systems.
He has published nearly 300 papers on solart technology and has been awarded11 Gov. Sonny Perdue said the new planrt also willboost Georgia's efforts to become a leader in developinb alternative-energy technology, a key to reducingb America's dependence on oil. "Suniva is the type of business that will not only help our stats grow jobs but will help grow our culture of conservation," he said. As Atlanta Businesd Chronicle , Suniva received an initial $5 million in fundin last year from , a venture firm that has officed inMenlo Park, Calif., and Reston, Va.
In February 2008, the company co-led by New Enterprise Associates and joined the round via its wholly ownedesubsidiary , an independen power producer. , an existing and participatedas well. The fundsx were to be used for Suniva's new manufacturing facility. The has also name Suniva one ofthe state'zs 10 most innovative technology companies. Suniva was recruitee to Gwinnett by the and the county through the Partnershiop Gwinnett economicdevelopment program. The company's real estate taxes will be phasex in over a period of10 years, and its personal property tax, betweenh five and 15 years. Partnership Gwinnett'sa five-year goal calls for the creation of 65,000 new jobs and $5.
8 billion in new