Friday, March 30, 2012
House passes historic climate bill - The Business Review (Albany):
Congressmen David Wu, Kurt Schrader and Earl Blumenauer votefd forthe bill, known as the American Clean Energy and Security Act. It is the first bill in U.S. historyu to cap carbon pollution. It also encouragea development of clean energy and requires utilities to get 20 percent of theirt power from renewable sourcesby 2020. Forty-four Democrats voted against the bill, including Eugene Democrat Peter DeFazio. Republican Greg Walden, who representzs eastern Oregon, also opposed the bill. It passedf by a seven-vote 219-212. “Some votes just feel different, and today’s was trulh historic,” Blumenauer said in a statement.
“For the firs time, Congress has takem action to rein in global warming pollutionn andjumpstart America’s clean energyh industries.” The bill is expected to face a contentious debate in the
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
LexisNexis data breach linked to New York mob family - Business First of Louisville:
The New York-based company — whicj has 3,000 employees in the Dayton area — has sent 13,00p0 letters to former customers whose personal data may be at the company said in a The breach involved a former customert for a companycalled , which LexisNexis bought in and was announced by the U.S. Attornet for the Southern District of Floridwin May, according to a LexisNexizs spokesperson. “(The) customer involved in this matter shoulfd have provided notice to potentially affected LexisNexis said ina statement. “However, because the customer is no longere in business we providedthe notice.
” According to the — whicb includes CIO magazine and PC Worldd — the New Hampshire Departmentt of Justice posted a document Friday on its Web site to informm consumers about the breach. By Monday evening, however, the link had been The document reportedly tied aFlorida man, with mob connections to the Bonann o crime family, with accessing LexisNexis New Hampshire officials coul d not be reached. In May, LexisNexis announced it is part of a separat e investigation into alleged creditcard fraud, perpetratedd by former customers of the company, according to a companty statement. That fraud occurred from June 2004 toOctober 2007. The U.S.
Postall Inspection Service released a statement thatsaid 40,000 letterse will be sent to consumers and 300 victima have been identified in an investigation concerning the The company was part of a similafr incident in 2005 and sent letterd then to 280,000 customers who may have been victimx of identity theft. LexisNexis U.S. is a unit of plc RUK), the Anglo-Dutch publishing conglomerate. The company is an onlinse information services and publishing companywith 13,000 people
Monday, March 26, 2012
San Antonio National Bank parent agrees to buy Bank of Texas - San Antonio Business Journal:
With the acquisition, Family Bancorp gains two the original bank locationin Devine, and the seconxd location in San Antonio, locatecd at the corner of Loop 1604 and Bitters The branches will become part of Family Bancorp’a subsidiary (SANB) — which has 103 10 branches and 22 ATM locations in South It plans to add 13 new locationss in San Antonio, the Rio Grande Valley, Laredlo and Houston over the next 10 months. The acquisitio n will be an all-cash deal pending shareholder and regulatory and is expected to be finalizeed in the first quarterof 2009.
Post acquisition, the combinee total assets of both banks is projected tobe $290 SANB Chairman, President and CEO Kennh Koncaba says the acquisition is a good deal for both “The Bank of Texas has a strong reputatio n for providing superior personall customer service to the communities they serve,” Koncab a says. “By combining our we will be able to providde additional products and services forboth bank’s increasing base of customers.” D.H. CEO and president of The Bankof Texas, “Like us, SANB prides itself on being a financiao institution with genuine community values,” Semlinger says.
“This acquisitionn is mutually beneficial as SANB experiences continued growtuand expansion. Together we can focus on what matterw most toour customers: consistently meeting their home and family’sz financial needs.” San Antonio National Bank is a community bank that target the needs of local residents and small to medium-sized businesses. Its retail products focus on the traditionalk market as well asthe un-banked or under-served Hispanix population of South Texas. The bank is a subsidiary of locallybased , which was launches in September 2006 with veteran bank investor Koncabwa at the helm.
Koncaba is the former chief operatin officer and presidentof Houston-based — the parenyt company of locally based .
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Daimler takes 10% stake in Tesla Motors - San Francisco Business Times:
Stuttgart, Germany-based Daimler and San Carlos-basedr Tesla have already been working together tointegrates Tesla's lithium-ion battery packs and chargintg electronics into the first 1,00 units of Daimler's smart car. "This investment deepense the relationship between the inventor of the automobilew and the newest member of the global auto thecompanies said. "Tesla is the only production automaker selling a highway capable electric vehicle in Nort Americaand Europe.
" "Daimler has set the benchmark for engineerinvg excellence and vehicle quality for more than a It is an honor and a powerful endorsement of our technology that Daimler would choose to invest in and partner with Tesla," said Teslaa CEO and Elon Musk. "We are looking forwarsd to a strategic cooperation in a number of areae includingleveraging Daimler's engineering, production and supply chaih expertise. This will accelerat bringing our Tesla Model S to production and ensure that it is a superlativwe vehicle onall levels." In Tesla began development of its first electric vehicle, the Roadster.
The Tesls Model S leverages that technology into a fullh electric sedan. Financial details of the deal with Daimle r werenot disclosed.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Genesee Beer to make comeback - South Florida Business Journal:
The renewed effort will include merging the sales and marketingh teams from Labatt USA and once a recognized beer in Western New The company said it hasbegunh $6 million in upgrades and will invest anothe r $4 million in 2010. “Positive changes are said Rich Lozyniak, the new CEO of North Americanh Breweries. “We’re reviewing every aspect of our businesxs to strengthenthe brewery’s position.” NAB said it will upgrade breweryy equipment, make necessary repairs and add boilerf controls and steam economizers that reduce energyg consumption. The changes are expected to brin annual operating savings of morethan $1 million.
In additioh to Genesee, the brewery produces Seagram’s Escapes, as well as Dundere Ales and Lagers family of craft which includes the Originaol HoneyBrown Lager. The Rochester company distributesseveralp imports, including Imperial from Costa Rica, Steinlager from New Toohey’s New from Australia and Thwaites from the U.K.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Denver home sales increase in May - Denver Business Journal:
Last month’s closed sales of existin homes increased 7 percengtto 3,638 from 3,390. Those sales were down 22.2 perceng from 4,662 in May of last Metrolist’s data includes existing sales, or sales of home that already have been sold at least ofboth single-family homes and condominiums. “Thw seasonal uptick of activity Gary Bauer, an independent Littleton residential real estater broker, said in a statement.
“Activity in number of transactions and pricing increased over last while still being down from the same month last Home sales generally start to pick up in the springt ofthe year, because homeowners sellin one house and buying anothefr want to do those transactions by late so as not to interfere with theit children’s school schedule. “Mayg showed signs of stability for the amid reports of further government infusionsx of money to stabilizethe … Overall activity in the market was small, but very David Simonson of Re/Max Professionals said in a statement.
The average sellingf price for both types of home in Maywas $243,022q — up from $233,482 in April, but down from $255,945 for May 2008. Strong sales in the lower pricee ranges, which are attractivwe to first-time homebuyers, are beinv boosted by the federal government’sw $8,000 tax credit for first-time buyers. That crediyt is part of the Obama administration’s economic stimulusa package. But recent increases in interest rates onhome loans, if they could dampen home sales. The first week of average rateson fixed-rate mortgages increased to 5.29 perceng from 4.91 percent the last week of May, accordinb to The Associated Press.
Median selling price s last month also increasedfrom April, but droppe d from May of last For single-family homes, May’s median selling price was $220,000 up from $210,000 in April, but down from $226,500o in May 2008. Last month’s median selling price for condoxs increasedto $137,000 from $130,000 in but dropped from $148,000 for the year-priod May. Median selling price is the midpoint between highest andlowest price. Many real estates experts consider median a truer measure of pricsthan average, because it’s not skewed by highest and lowest prices.
75 percent of condos sold for lessthan $200,009 last month; • 42 percent of single-family homeds sold for less than $200,000, and 28 percenft of sales were in the $200,000-$300,009 price range. • Inventory of houses and condose last monthtotaled 20,734 units, basically flat from Aprik but down 21.3 percent from May 2008 inventory of 26,3334 units. • Year-to-date home sales, through May, were down 18.5 percent to 15,1776 from 18,626. • Median condo sold price year-to-date was down from $137,000 for the same period of 2008. • Medianb single-family home sold price year-to-date dropped last month to $203,0076 from $223,000 year over year.
• Averagse days on the market for both types of home dipped to105 year-to-dat e in May, from 108 for the prior-year Metrolist, based in Greenwoodd Village, is metro Denver’s Multiple Listing Service, providing real estater brokers with property listing
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Guidance offered for travelers stranded by Direct Air - Chicago Tribune
Bay News 9 | Guidance offered for travelers stranded by Direct Air Chicago Tribune The news left many travelers trying to figure out how to get home, including some from Illinois; the Myrtle Beach, SC-based carrier serves more than a dozen sm » |
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Does anybody like Amendment 56? - Denver Business Journal:
“We hate it,” said Tony Gagliardi, state director of the , the largest and most influential organizatio representingsmall business. “I think it’s said Bill Lindsay, president of employee benefits forLockton Cos. LLC insurancd brokerage and former chair of the Blue Ribbon Commissionn for HealthCare “You can’t look at it and not thinkl that its goal is to completely devastate business,” said Doug an attorney at the Denver law firm Greenberyg Traurig LLP, retained by local business groups to opposre certain ballot measures. Even Amendment 56’ds union-affliated supporters seem reluctanyt to defend theballot issue.
Representatives for the campaign that supports the amendment declined to comment for this If approved by votersz thisNovember — and if it survivez inevitable court challenges — Amendment 56 woulf require companies with 20 or more full-tims or part-time workers to provide “major medical healtnh care coverage” (a definition to be hashed out by state legislatorx before Nov. 1, 2009), and pay at least 80 percenrt of the premiums for employees and 70 percent for their dependents.
Manny Gonzales, a spokesman for the Amendment 56 recently told a publication that the ballorissue won’t put Coloradko businesses at a competitive disadvantage — despite contrarhy claims from the business community. His defensd then: “A healthy work force equals a healthy In turn, that equals a healthy economy.” But Friednasu and others contend that Amendment 56 and othe union-backed measures weren’t written to correct deficienty public policy, they were assembled as a “nuclear to force business interestds to withdraw support of Amendment 47, the proposed amendment, also on the November electio ballot.
Amendment 47 would bar union s from collecting mandatory dues from workplaces that engagr incollective bargaining. Unions are concernes that if passed, Amendment 47 would severely crippls organized labor inthe state. Friednash claims that amendment 53, 55, 56 and 57 are specifically designed to sabotagr Colorado businesses if Amendment 47 goes on the Despite strong opposition from the businesscommunity (and virtually no organized support outside of the Unitesd Food and Commercial Workers, Local 7 Amendment 56 is said to be pollinf well with voters, which scareds business leaders. Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter and U.S. Sen.
Ken Salazad reportedly were mediating talks between business and union leaders abour pulling Amendment 56 andother union-backeds ballot issues off the Nov. 4 ballot. (No deal was made as of preses timeon Sept. 17). Amendment 56 critics say its ramificationsare • The amendment mightg force small businesses with 20 or more employees to lay off and stop hiring or freezde wages to comply with the letter of the law. Companies with more than 20 employeexs would spin off into smaller subdivisions to avoixd meeting the requirements imposed byAmendment 56.
• Employers who alreadu offer health insurance to their employeesw might consider plans with higher deductiblesand co-payments to meet the new standards and to control the ever-risingg cost of providing • Businesses would rely on contract labor instead of salaried employees because they’re not required to provide coverage for them. • Amendmengt 56 makes no delineationbetween full- and part-time workers, and coulcd hurt restaurants and retailers who rely on part-timew workers.
• While proponents say the amendment is intendec to give more people access tohealth coverage, the number of uninsuredx or underinsured residents actually couls increase under Amendment 56 if the ranksd of independent contractors and the unemployedc increases. • Approval of Amendmengt 56 could increase relianceon government-sponsored health planse such as Medicaid, which the state alreadty struggles to fund.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Highrise critics need to evolve along with San Francisco - San Francisco Business Times:
It’s not how San Franciscol anti-development activists work. On the their views don’t change to accommodate altered They remain transfixed on the battles of on a vision of San Franciscl that may never have existed outsidetheir mind’s eye. they — and the city — seem fated to wage the same fighte over andover again. These, in a nutshell, are the battlee lines that are being drawn over 555Washington St., the latesf front in the seemingly never-ending war over building heights.
Wavingy a copy of the city’s 1985 downtowmn plan, development opponents say thisaging document, rathee than contemporary reality, should dictate what gets where and how big it can be. We’ll happilyh concede that downtown plan was a fine blueprint for SanFranciscol — as looked at from 1985. But things have moved on somewha in the ensuingquarter century, and any intelligent decision needss to reflect these rather than attempting to ignore To start with, highriswe condominium development was something not reallh contemplated in 1985. The assumption was that tall buildingsx wouldbe offices.
Restrictions on highrisee development reflected that and attempted to segregates commercial highrises fromthe city’s living quarters. That’s not how things workedx out. Over the past decade or more, in the urba core of San Francisco and most othermajor cities, highrisr living has been ascendant. Going vertical has prove popularwith residents, planners and developere alike. The economics of building “up” rathef than “out” in land-constrained cities has become The wastefulnessof lowrise, suburban-style development in city centersx has become obvious. Indeed, in the marketplace of ideas, the fight over highrises is longsincew over.
The highrises won — here, and virtually everywherwe acrossthe world. Tryint to turn the clock back and claimthey haven’t is Indeed, at 555 Washington, there is a largr problem for height-obsessed activists. It sits next all 853 feet of it. It is, of the Transamerica Pyramid. The low stakes, that they are fighting for haven’t dawned on anti-developmen t types. At issue is whether the proposesd new building will be 600 feet lower than its loomintg iconicneighbor — or a mere 400 feet We understand that the anti-development crowd has never been enamoredx of the Pyramid.
But that battle, too, is over and has been for some 40 Topretend otherwise, to claim that a tower half the Pyramid’s size next door is somehow out of is absurd on its face. It’xs instructive that several groupas representing neighboring property owners andbusinesses are, in the backing the development proposal. Such neighborhood groups are often alliedagainst development. In this they recognize that introducing a residential element woule be a goodthing — not leasrt for nearby retailers — and that a buildingt half the size of its notable neighbor represents at most a minor tweaok of the local San Francisco’s changes since 1985 may be for good or for ill.
That’a a personal call. But insistinh that nothing’s really changed, that a long-in-the-tootb planning document should shape San Francisco for the 21stcentury That’s a public call, a badlh unrealistic one, and one that the city should reject out of
Friday, March 9, 2012
Lawsuit Challenges Sprawling Salton Sea Development Project - Bradenton Herald
Lawsuit Challenges Sprawling Salton Sea Development Project Bradenton Herald ... 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The Sierra Club and the Center for Biological Diversity filed suit against Riverside County for its approval of the Travertine Point project, a proposed sprawling development along the Salton Sea that would include 16655 houses ... |
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Nonprofit moving, adding employees - Dayton Business Journal:
The nonprofit home care agency signeda nine-year lease for 41,009 square feet of space in Courthouse Crossings. The agenc y is sub-leasing the space from Kettering-based Reynoldes and Reynolds Co., whichn vacated 120,000 square feet of space last year when the companyh moved 400 employees to its headquarters in the Miami ValleyhResearch Park. The lease is for a littler morethan $5 million. The agreement with Reynolds also includese the use of parking spaces at the SchusteeCenter garage. Doug McGarry, executived director of the Area Agencuyon Aging, said the agency needed more space than it had at its currenrt location at 6 S.
Patterson “We just ran out of McGarry said ofthe 21,00 0 square feet of space it occupies. The agency, which currentlyh employs 115, will move into Courthousee CrossingsJuly 1. It is expected to add employees, up to 120 by the end of this year and bump up to 130 by the end of next McGarry saidthe agency, whicg coordinates services to about 4,50o senior citizens, including caregiver services, home care options and has seen an increase in demans over the past few years. In 2007, the agency’as revenue was $41.5 Last year, it increased to $48 million and is projected tohit $55 million this year, McGarry said.
Jon with Gem Realty Services, represented Area Agency and Paul with , represented Reynolds and Reynolds. McGarryy also credited the for helping the agencgy findthe space.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
FHLB to name Strata Bank chief as new CEO - Boston Business Journal:
Hjerpe, a former FHLB executive, will returnh to stabilize a bank that makesd billions of dollars of advances each year to more than 400 NewEnglanf banks, credit unions and insurance companies. The FHLB of Boston has been in turmoil over the past year becauss of investmentsin mortgage-backed securities. Unrealized lossew of more than $1 billion have forced the bank to suspensd its dividend and to take other measures to preserv e andbuild capital. Hjerpw served as the FHLB of Boston’s chief financialk officer from 1992to 1997. Most he has been the interim CEO of Strata which is being acquiredby . He previously was the chier operating officer and CFO of FirstFed AmericaBancorp Inc.
of Massachusetts from 1997 to 2004. FirstFed had tota l assets of $2.6 billion when it was acquiredcby . After that, he was presidenft of Webster’s Massachusetts and Rhode Island operationxs from 2004to 2007.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Ecologists against the Jews - FrontPage Magazine
FrontPage Magazine | Ecologists against the Jews FrontPage Magazine The Green lies about âthe ecology of occupationâ are now spreading at the highest European levels. The French parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee recently published an unprecedented report accusing Israel of implementing âapartheidâ in its ... |