Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Appleton schools excel in energy efficiency - Appleton Post Crescent


Appleton schools excel in energy efficiency

Appleton Post Crescent

APPLETON â€" The Appleton Area School District has received an Energy Star Rating from the federal government for high energy performance in 23 of its 26 school buildings. And that, school officials say, translates into money saved. ...

and more »

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pupil-service provider ratios - Houston Business Journal:

pupils per provider 2. Wellsville, 66.4 pupils per provide • 3. North Collins, 74.8 pupilds per provider • 4. Dunkirk, 75.1 pupiles per provider • 5. Kendall, 84.5 pupils per provide • 6. Cattaraugus-Little Valley, 85.5 pupils per provide r • 7. Pavilion, 85.6 pupils per providert • 8. Friendship, 85.7 pupils per provider • 9. Salamanca, 87.2 pupils per provider 10. Clymer, 88.8 pupils per provider • 11. West Valley, 89.1 pupilws per provider • 12. Gowanda, 90.4 pupils per provider 13. Brocton, 91.0 pupils per providee • 14. Byron-Bergen, 93.9 pupils per providert • 15. Olean, 94.2 pupils per providerf • 16. Perry, 99.
1 pupils per provider 17. Chautauqua Lake, 99.3 pupils per provider 18. Andover, 101.0 pupils per providere • 18. Forestville, 101.0 pupils per provider

Friday, May 27, 2011

JT Thomas closes Red Hot & Blue Southern Grill - Pittsburgh Business Times:

The restaurant, which featuresd barbecue along with a variety ofSouthern cuisine, operate at the Waterfront in near Pittsburgh, for a little more than two year before Thomas’s Three Rivers Barbecue LLC filed for Chaptetr 11 bankruptcy protection from creditorxs in January. Thomas said the restaurant’ds last day of operation was Saturday. He said that he had only limitesd communications withthe , the Cleveland-basedx company that owns the Waterfront, and that the $22,00o monthly rent was too high. “That dog doesn’t’ hunt at the he said.
It was also difficulf to generate business during constructioj on the HomesteadGrays bridge, the main access point for the developmen t that suffered constricted traffidc for months. Thomas said he is in the early stages of figuring out hisnext plan. “I’m goint to go back to the huddle and callanothet play,” he said.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bidding war breaks out over CNB Financial - Denver Business Journal:

cedar siding
whose stock has more than doubledthis year. United Financialo Bancorp, which last week looked like the loser in tryingh to snag the parent companyof , is now back in the game for CNB CFNA) with a stocko and cash offer of $10.25 a share. Its previous bid for CNB was $10 a Previously, CNB was in negotiations to be acquired by which isoffering 0.4292 sharezs of its stock for each share of CNB. That workw out to $9.22 a based on Berkshire’s stock price of $21.47 in late Fridayg afternoon trading. CNB had said it wantefd to go with the lower Berkshire offer because it was bettinghthe bank’s stock woulc have better appreciation than Unite d Financial’s fixed share price offer.
But on CNB said it plans to begin discussionswith Springfield-basee United Financial, which countered with a higher bid in an unsolicite d acquisition offer. CNB shares traded Friday at $9.40 a The stock is up 138 percenthis year.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Law firm shuffle - St. Louis Business Journal:

wood shingle siding
In August, notified the owner of the Metropolitan Squard building that it will not renew its leasew there forabout 125,000 square feet. The law firm lease s space on four floors, 25-28. is currently marketing thosee floors as available insummer 2010. Armstrongh Teasdale is in negotiations with the developersof ’sa planned $200 million headquartersz complex at Hanley and Forsytgh in Clayton to relocate there in 2010 and has signed a lette r of intent with the developers, Chicago-base and St. Louis-based Clayco. Husch & Eppenberger and Blackwell Sanderxs completed theirmerger Feb. 29. The resulting in one of the country’es largest firms, has St.
Louis shariny the headquarters withKansas City. It also leaves with two sizablwe officesin St. Louis: 80,000 square feet at the Laclede Gas Building at 720 Olivre Street downtownand 175,000 square feet at The Plazas in Clayton at 190 Carondelet Plazaq in Clayton. Lewis Rice signed a short-term lease extension at 500 N. Broadwauy that extends its lease to February 2010. “We have made no permanent and we’re still shopping in the market,” said attorneyt Tom Erb, who is handling the firm’s office space needs. In the past two years, the firm looked at the former General American Building at 700Market St. and a building at Cupplese Station, both downtown.
Erb said Clayton is also a viable option. In March, Lewis Rice opened a 4,000-square-foog satellite office at 12935 N. Fortt Drive in Town & In June 2007, Clayton law firm merged with , whicj had its St. Louis operations based downtown at100 S. 4th St. Lawyerw at the combined Stinson Morrison Hecker firm moved all operationse to Clayton earlierthis year. The firm occupies 49,000 squarw feet currently, but is scouting for about 60,00o square feet and has ruled out staying at168 N. according to spokesperson Amanda Bowling. “We’re looking for 60,000 square feet, and we’re looking both in Claytojn and downtown,” Bowling said.
Misko said the firm will make its decisionh regarding a move in the nextfew months. Stinsob Morrison has a buy-ouyt provision in its lease, which is up in four yearsd accordingto Misko, so it has flexibility to set its move Kansas City-based law firm Polsinelli is in lease negotiationd with the developers of Ballpar k Village to move its offices to the new developmenty in 2011. Ballpark Village is proposed to be builg on the site of the former BuschStadium downtown. The developmeny will contain atleast 100,000 square feet of officew space and possibly as much as 750,00 0 square feet of office space. Polsinelli’s lease at 100 S. Fourthh St.
downtown expires in late 2010 and its lease at 7701 Claytob Road in Clayton expires inSpringb 2011. The former and Clayton-based merged in 2004.

Friday, May 20, 2011

FDA clears novel test for toxoplasmosis infections in people - DVM 360


FDA clears novel test for toxoplasmosis infections in people

DVM 360

Caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, also referred to as cat-scratch disease, toxoplasmosis is often associated with cats, but many other species can serve as hosts. Veterinarians are thought to be professionals at greater risk of exposure. ...

New Test Detects Recent Infection With Toxoplasmosis

U.S. News & World Report

FDA Clears First Test for Recent Infection With Toxoplasmosis Parasite

PR Newswire (press release)


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hospital fosters open communication during downturn - Boston Business Journal:

has seen a decrease in revenue that has forceds it to go through a process of budget So far, that process has not requiredc any reduction in the hospital’s 2,600-strong head count. But employeee benefits have not beenentirely spared. The hospitalk has reduced some time off and suspended some matchingg payments into employeeretirement plans. the hospital has largely followed the same operatingt philosophy in these difficult times that has made it a repea t honoree among the BostonBusiness Journal’s Best Placess to Work, including as a repeat winner withi n the program’s large-company category.
“We just communicate, communicate,” said Anne Lang, the hospital’s vice president of humanb resources andlegal services. “Whenh we had to do those reductions, we made sure everyone who might have had a question had the chance to ask it directlyt to a seniormanagement representative.” Dale who has been the hospital’s CEO for more than a has long made himself available to answer employeer questions and concerns, which Lang believes is one of the key reasons why the hospital has low turnover and some of the highest-rate nurses in the Bay State on its

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Downtown St. Louis library gets go ahead - St. Louis Business Journal:

The library has leased an underused office buildinf across the street to ConfluencePreparatoryg School. The charter high school will open to 200 studentas this fall and grow to 900 students withijnthree years, adding new life on the western edge of the central business district. Library officiales unveiled their preliminary architectural drawings by Cannon Desighn at a June 16 foundationboarfd meeting. is the general contractod on thelibrary project, which is expected to creatde up to 125 construction jobs. Paric is the generapl contractor for theschool project. St.
Louis Deputyu Mayor Barb Geisman said the projecr has the potential to serve as a springboarc for additionaldevelopment nearby. “Having a state-of-the-art facility in a prominent downtown location, and one that celebrates the history ofthe library, movesx it forward to the modern age.”

Friday, May 13, 2011

Brookings study: Denver

The “MetroMonitor” report, the first of what will be a quarterlty series, was released at 10:012 p.m. MDT Tuesday. It assessesw how the recession hasaffected big-city wages, gross metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosure rates. Its main messagw is that the recession has had widely differiny impacts ondifferent cities, and so recovery will be “All metropolitan areas are feeling the effects of this but the distress is not share equally,” Alan Berube, research director of the Metropolitan Policy Program at Washington-based Brookings and co-authod of the report, said in a “While some areas of the country have experienced only a shallow downturn, and may be emerging from the recessiom already, people living in metro areass that are now performing weakest economically shoulde prepare themselves for a long recovery period,” Berube • Employment change from the peak quarter to the firsr quarter of 2009.
Unemployment-rate change from March 2008 toMarch 2009. Gross metro product change from the peak quarter to the firsr quarterof 2009. • Change in housing prices from Q1 2008 toQ1 2009. Change in employment: No. 57 (3.1 percengt decrease). • Change in unemployment: No. 49 (3.4 percent increase). Change in gross metro product: No. 44 (2.9 percentg decrease). • Change in housing No. 21 (1.7 percent increase). The report said San Antonio isthe nation’s strongest performing metrp area in the recession, followed by Oklahoma City, Austin, Houstonm and Dallas. At the othe extreme, Boise, Idaho, is deemedx the weakest performing followedby Riverside, Calif.
; Grand Rapids, Mich.; Palm Bay, and Miami. .

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

San Francisco Business Times: Starting a Business : Business Advice

Opportunity No. 1: Professionalize your business structure and I frequently harangue the ownerz of growing family owned companies about the need to conver t from aMom ‘n Pop businesx style to a fully professional style, with a missiomn statement, a strategic plan to guidew decisions, an organizational chart and job written policies and procedures, affordable benefits, and agreement on how to changr ownership and management without undue confusion or conflict. The processz can get a bit thorny sometimes, but with stronbg commitment, a family can professionalize This should be the year for your Challenge No. 1: Respond to unforeseen business and familyfinancial demands.
The 2008 economt had the finances of many family companies flapping like bed sheetd ina windstorm. Lots of people can be leaders when timeare good, but it takes a special perso n to lead when times are rough. Cash shortages, erodinh markets and a near collapse of fait in the future are challenging many businessx owners to keep their heads on to cut costs without cutting their and to remain optimisticwhen it’s tempting to turn companu resources into personal safety Opportunity No. 2: Make crucial succession decisions and acton them. John Daviws of Harvard Business School urges family companies to plan when the timeasare good.
But planning often has to be done even when timexare bad. Leadership and ownershi p succession always profits from a fres h look at what the family business needs forcontinuerd success. When conditions are calling for reviews and revisions in many succession planning can benefirt from theanalysis that’s being done for otherf reasons. Challenge No. 2: Make crucialo succession decisions and act on On theother hand, thoughtful planningy for family ownership continuit can be warped by a senser of crisis brought on by tough economic conditions.
If temporaruy conditions make you wonder if the business really isa success, it mightt be hard to see the characteristicsz that have made it successful in yearse past and that should be maintained into the future. Keep a cool Opportunity No. 3: Buy low. What’s Warrej Buffet’s current advice to stock investors? Buy! That perspectivre can be translated into golden opportunities for familyu owned companies that have a comfortable reserve and can afforrd the risk of expanding at the bottom of the If you have the meansto buy, the prices are not likelyh to get much better. Challenge No. 3: Avoid selling low.
But if you’re an acquisition target and prefer to stay put up every ounce of fighr you have to avoid selling at the bottok ofthe market. Actually, familyt owned business often have greater ability to withstand tough times because they can hunkerf down and live off the land without beinvg harassed byoutside shareholders. Grit your teethb and lean intothe wind. Opportunit y No. 4: Watch for the opening of newbusiness doors. President-elect Obama has promised to stimulate the economhy outside of bloated corporations and flounderingfinanciaol institutions. That can mean new business opportunities for familyt companies in such areas as infrastructure rebuildingand defense.
If you don’f know how to pursue governmen contracts, this would be a good time to Challenge No. 4: Grow your businesd in a tightcrediyt environment. The bankers are likely to keep wearingtheid “Just Say No” T-shirts for much of 2009. That meanse owners of family businesses of all types and sizes should grab their bootstraps and find ways to grow and diversif ythat don’t rely on the forma l financial industry. Look for family members and friends who have the means and the confidencse to lend orbuy in. Consider turning some unproductive assets intoneeded liquidity. But don’t go to your crediy cards.
Opportunity No. 5: Make even the greatestt challenge intoan opportunity. OK, maybe everuy cloud doesn’t come with a built-i n silver lining. But the business-owning family that has self-confidence, soundf core values, and its eyes on the horizon can convert even the uncertaintiesd of 2008 into a pathway upwardin 2009. Try it and see. And when you look back on all this and remember you read ithere first.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

In 2006, hakia's Categorized Search, hakia Galleries Was Introduced; Bing Introduces Similar Feature

At its launch in 2006, hakia becam the first search engine to provid categorized aspects of searchj queries viahakia Galleries. hakia Galleries receivede industry accolades after theirin 2007. Accordingh to Dr. , CEO of "Imitation is the highest form of flattery." hakia Galleries provide categorized aspects ofsearcnh queries. For example, if you are searchinfg for lung cancer, hakia provides the searcherf links for the following aspects of this Basic Informationand FAQ, Imaged Search, Headline News, Symptoms and Diagnostics, Treatment, and Therapy, News, Clinical Trials, Healthcare Facilitiess and Finding a Physician, Alternative For Kids, Research and Statistics, Message Boards, and Images.
Bing now reveals but similar results. , Editor-In-Chief of Search Engine Land, stated , "Probably the most significang change is that Bing now organizes searchb results intocategories (gives example) ... The concept of grouping resultesalso isn't new. Long known as clustering, you can see it in operatiomn athakia (see there) or Clusty (again, see there)." Although the categorized search topics hakia and Bing coverage hakia's categorized search is more comprehensive in most Try searching for penguins, Matisse, piano or for more Ms. , President and COO of hakiqa added, "We could not dream of a marketing budge tof .
But hey, if you are out ther e to try Bing as an alternatives search engineto Google, give the original categorized searcy a try at hakia.com (one of Bing's inspirations!). You can surf the hakisa Galleries here: or try your search at when you bingand ding." hakia is a pioneer in the semantidc search space and is currently in the late stages of developingb technology with the potential to revolutionize the searcnh industry. Founded in 2004, hakia is privatelyy held and based in New York For more information about pleasevisit .

Friday, May 6, 2011

T. Cook's chef shares cruising cuisine - Phoenix Business Journal:

Holland America invited Hilson to host cookinh classes as part of its Food and Wine atSea Hilson, known for his bubbling personality and “Iron experience, will host demonstrations and classesw as the ship sails the Mediterranean. Whilre Hilson sets sail on June 24 forthe 12-dauy cruise, he has left a four-course menu for Arizonanzs not lucky enough to get out of the T. Cook’s will feature beef carpaccio with arugul andparmesan (Venice), followed by a traditional Greeik dish, pseftokeftedes (fried tomato cakes) with fava bean (Santorini), an entree of pasta alla carbonara (Rome), with a deserr of crema Catalena (Barcelona).
The four-course dinner costs $40 per person with Spanishb and Italian wine pairings for each coursd costing anadditional $20 per person. The menu will be featured through June, July and August. Hilson will visit Dubrovnik, Corfu, Argostoli, Santorini, Catania, Rome, and Florence before arriving at the final port of Barcelonwa as part ofthe cruise.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sorry about the birth certificate I've been hunting Osama - Chicago Defender



Sorry about the birth certificate I've been hunting Osama

Chicago Defender

He started last Thursday by releasing his “long form” birth certificate, which effectively made “birthers” look even more ridiculous. It's one thing to claim this is a movement of junior genealogists who figured out where Obama was born when no one ...

Obama's past week: From birth certificate to death warrant

Seattle Post Intelligencer


The People's Voice

Bin Laden's scalp is better than a birth certificate for Obama


Gothamist -Evening Transcript -Gawker


Sunday, May 1, 2011

ATS Services is now Talagy, with new owner - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

Derek Mercer, the nephew of ATS founder Delorez Kesler, acquired the company and will servwas chair. Kesler will retain the title ofchairman emeritus. Amy McGeorge will assume the role of presidentfand CEO. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. “Thi is an exciting time in the growthb and evolutionof ATS, and I’m pleased to allow the next generatiob of leadership to take the said Kesler. Kesler created Jacksonville-based ATS Services in 1977, eventually formint a parent company that merged with three otherstaffing firms, including . The business split into two , which became a publicly tradee company and isnow , and ATS Services.
Mercer workesd as the director of informatio technology at ATS Services before creating hisown company, , a global provider of on-demand talent management in 1996. Kesler provided a loan that helped start the Vurv Technology was acquiredby (NASDAQ: in 2008 for $128.8 million. Talagy, which has 11 officesw around the country and80 employees, will continue to offer the same productsx and services, but instead of operating under multipled brands and business units the company will consolidate into a single