| Judge Judy expected to be released soon from the hospital [Updated] Los Angeles Times Judy Sheindlin, star of the legal show "Judge Judy," is expected to be released from the hospital soon. Her spokesman, Gary Rosen, told KTLA News that he had spoken to Sheindlin and that " » |
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Judge Judy expected to be released soon from the hospital [Updated] - Los Angeles Times
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Bexar County children required to take new vaccinations - Washington Business Journal:
Parents are required to add five new immunizationd for the upcoming schoopl year as a result ofstate mandates. Metrko Health anticipates these requirements will affectr upto 50,000 students in the San Antonio Starting Aug. 1, K-12 studentz will be required to take two doses of theVaricellaw (chickenpox) vaccine. Students entering the 1-6 and 8-12 gradex must continue to meet thecurrent requirement. Entering 7th gradee students are required to take the one dose of the meningococcal vaccine thisschool year. Studentd entering the 7th grade must havethe tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis-containing vaccine if they’ve not had the booste r within the last five years.
Studentsx entering grades 8 - 12 must have the boosterd shot if they have not had one in the last 10 Kindergarten students statewide are now requiref to take two doses of hepatitisA Finally, K-12 students must take two dose s of the measles vaccine and one dose each of the mumpsz and rubella vaccine. In addition to the expanded vaccinations, studentz need to be current on previouslyrequired immunizations. “Thess additions to the childhood immunization schedulwe will bring us closer in line with CDC recommendationsd and make Texas an even saferf environment for vaccinepreventable diseases,” health director Fernando Guerra says.
Monday, March 28, 2011
San Francisco Giants poised to defend their World Series title - San Jose Mercury News
San Francisco Giants poised to defend their World Series title San Jose Mercury News When Buster Posey hit his home run in the World Series on H » |
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Study: Texas ranks first for business - Dallas Business Journal:
According to its Web site, the magazine'ws mission is to provide corporate boardroom’s and governanc e committees with the best intelligence onthe U.S. business Texas nabbed the No. 1 spot due to its abilitgy to attract Fortune500 companies, its solisd economy, affordable cost of livingt and its pro-business tax climate. The magazines names major corporate relocations—such as ’s move from Detroit to Dallas and Researchin Motion's new Americaj headquarters in Irving —as one of the reasonzs Texas ranks in the pro-business category. Directorshil evaluated all 50 states on theiroverallk economy, tax climate, cost of living and education.
Texas "has a pro-business tax climate that rankds third, a low cost of a relatively solid economy, and a litigation environmen that ranks 10th onour list," the magazine reported. "Texas also ranks first in the number of Fortunee 500 companieslocated there." Governor Rick Perry boasted aboutr the survey results Tuesday. “Ouf commitment to low taxes, predictable and a fair tort system are settinbg an example for the nation and creatin g a magnetic force for the businesses and jobs that are vitaol tomaintaining Texas’ competitive advantage in the global marketplace,” Perry said.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Study Claims Religion Could Disappear - International Business Times
Daily Mail | Study Claims Religion Could Disappear International Business Times The survey data showed more people in those nations were saying they had no religious affiliation at » |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Fontainebleau's Soffer caught by Lehman Bros. bankruptcy - Boston Business Journal:
“When the retail division of the projectt lost access to fundingthroughn Lehman, it was unable to repay the resorgt for its share of costs,” said Scott of Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price Axelrod, who representx Fontainebleau Las Vegas LLC in the “That put enormous stress on the resort entity, and that was the beginninhg of the problems.” Fontainebleau Las Vegas LLC and two of its affiliatess filed bankruptcy petitions in Miami late The Fontainebleau Miami Beach is not included in the filing.
also principal with Turnberry construction anddevelopment companies, has personal guarantees on portions of the retail component of the Las Vegasa project, but those portions are not in bankruptcyy yet, Baena said. The complex is 70 percentt completed. Since December 2008, Lehmanh refused to make any advances underthe project’ s $315 million construction loan, according to a motion to maintain cash management filedf in the bankruptcy. After Lehman’s refusals, moneyh stopped flowing through the retail entity to theresort entity. In March, other lendere pulled their financing, and construction on the resort stoppe din May, Baena said.
The company said in a news releaser that the decision to file Chapter 11 was the resulrt of litigation with the other lenders on projecyt aboutnearly $800 million in constructiohn funding for the project. Other lenderss include , JPMorgan Chase Bank and Deutsche BankTrust Co. In the short term, the companyh is seeking to stabilize and protect the finished portiob ofthe building, Baena said. “It’sd no longer possible to downsize the he said. “The 30 percent remaininvg construction is principallythe interior. We’ve got a lovely building waitin tobe finished.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Related Group, Starwood plan St. Regis in Bal Harbour - South Florida Business Journal:
and said they plan a joint venture to developthe property. The , is to rise on the 10 waterfront acresthe 645-room Sheraton has occupied across the street from . The property woulx be the second St. Regis Resort & Residences in the The 169-room Fort Lauderdale property is under due to open in theseconsd quarter. Though their development deal is notyet Miami-based Related Group and White Plains, N.Y.
-based Starwood (NYSE: HOT) said they have alreadhy tapped professionals for the project: , knownm for its work impacting the Chicago skyline locao firm , known for condosw including , and in Miami Beach, all Related Groupo properties landscape architect , the original landscape designer for the Village of Bal Harbour and the Bal Harbourf Shops Steven Heyer, Starwood chievf executive officer, praised Related Group's experience in project conceptualization, mixed-use development and sales and marketing for upscale residentialo projects in South Florida.
He called thos qualities a perfect complement tohis company's ultra-luxury loyal customer base and existing, untapped real estat holdings. "We expect that this relationshipp will allow us to maximize the unrealizerd potential of ourland assets, while enhancing the strengt of Starwood's presence in this affluent market," Heyer The partners did not give an idea how large the new buildinh might be. However, amenities planned for the St.
Regis Resort Residences, Bal Harbour, include butler and concierge services, a spa and
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Owner pledges no poaching downtown Albany tenants for Wellington remake - The Business Review (Albany):
President Joseph Nicolla said no tenants are committed to movinfg intothe 405,000-square-foot building--dubbedc Wellington Place--and he's not looking at any from other downtown landlords. Still, that's a lot of spacee to fill in the city's central business The tower will be the firstnew large-scalwe office development downtown since Columbiaw Development opened a 12-story building at 677 Broadway in Januar y 2005. That building was nearly fully leased beforeit opened, which created vacancies in othe r Class A space downtown. A competitor, , owns or manages abouf 750,000 square feet of commercial officespace downtown, including 54 States St., 40 Beaver St.
, and the KeyCorpl building at 66 S. Pearl St. Mark vice president for real estate servicesxat Omni, declined to reveal the vacancy rate in the company's real estate holdings but said addinh 405,000 square feet of inventoryg would have a "serious if Columbia Development competes for existingh private sector tenants. "Our hope is certainlyu taking whatJoe [Nicolla] said at face Aronowitz said. "We're hoping that is true and we're hopingt he is able to either attract a large tenant from outside the area ora public-sector tenantr to fill the space." According to the most recenyt /Albany survey, there were 2.
1 millionn square feet of Class A office spacd in Albany's central business district, with a vacancyt rate of 4.4 percent. Including Class B and Classw C space, the total inventory was 6.06 million-square-feet, with a vacancy rate of 10 percent. The survey was taken in the second quarterof 2007. Jeffrey managing partner of C.B. Richard said no single private-sector tenant could occupy all of the spacee in the new Wellington Place. He anticipates the bulk will be filled by the stats or federal government offices that are currentlhy in Class B or C spacwe inthe suburbs. Smaller portions may be taken by a law firm or insurance company that want to move downtowmn fromthe suburbs.
"I don't see it [Wellingtomn Place] increasing the vacancy factor in Class A Sperry said. The $65 million development will includderetail space, 15 apartments and underground parkin for 37 vehicles where five empty buildings, including the Hotel Wellington, now stand between 132 and 140 State St. The masonry on the exterior of the old hotel will be removedc prior to demolition and then incorporatedx into the facade of thenew tower.
The two buildingzs on both sides of the hotep will be renovated to preserve their but portions of the interiors will be demolishedx and rebuilt because they are in such poor Columbia Development bought the propertiesa in November 2006for $925,000 and has worked with city officialds and historic preservationists on ways to preserve as much of the originak streetscape as possible. "This has been a long time coming," Mayotr Jerry Jennings said of the Jennings said there will be some disruptionsx during the construction because it will be timed to coordinate with aroughlgy $7 million upgrade of Stats Street hill between Eagle Streeft and Broadway.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Bizzy is buzzy at South by Southwest - USA Today
USA Today | Bizzy is buzzy at South by Southwest USA Today There are lots of next-big-things at South by Southwest Interactive, the tech-tinged festival that is consuming Austin this weekend. But several stood out in a whirlwind of parties, panels, meets-and-greets, barbecue joints, ... |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Auction set for final condo units at Duo - Washington Business Journal:
plans to conduct auctions June 21 for the 24 remaininv unitsat Duo. Duo, in the Castleberr y Hill area ofdowntown Atlanta, was built in 2007 by Minimu m bids for the units will starr at $75,000, up to 62 percent below previous asking prices. The auction at Duo is the fifth such auctioj conducted by Accelerated Marketing Partnerzs andJon Gollinger, company co-founder and East Coast CEO, who said he is startinh to "feel the floor" for the entry-level and moderate-priced condo market in Atlanta. Accelerated Marketing Partners has done auctionn sales of unitsat Element, Horizom at Wildwood, Aqua and Cosmopolitan.
At Cosmopolitann in the Lindbergh area, Accelerated Marketing Partners sold 43 unitsxat auction, then an additional 15 units sold aftetr that, Gollinger said. "In each the market is starting to create a valuepoint [for condok units] that seems to be gettinv a bit consistent," he said. Atlanta's entry-levep and moderate-priced condo market "is respondint as well as any place in the countryrightf now." But there is still a saturation of luxury and near-luxury units in Atlanta "and that is whers you are really going to see the problem," Gollinger Luxury condos are still competing with luxury single-family homed here.
Gollinger defines the luxur y and near luxury condos in Atlantaas "thosse glass towers in Buckhead and Midtown that were expensive to put up and beautifully done," he In New York City, those units woulde sell for $1,200 a squarde foot, "but in Atlanta, even at its peak, was only $500 a squares foot." The sales at Aqua were more in the near luxurt to luxury price range, he said. Sales thered were as high as $407,000. Atlantaa is probably looking "at another year" of auctiom events "but the market is responding tothesre events," Gollinger said. Of the condol sales in the first halfof 2009, he's estimatingf most are from auction sales.
He expects the auctiojn at Duo willdo well. "We'l l sell those out in an hour," he predicted. Five one-bedroon units to be sold at auction are approximately 860squars feet, with minimum bids startinbg at $75,000. Previous asking prices for the units were up to Twelve one-bedroom-plus-den units to be sold at auctiobn are approximately 991 square feet, with minimum bids startinb at $105,000. Previous asking prices for these homes were up to Seven two-bedroom-plus-study units to be sold at auction are approximatelyh 1,196 square feet, with minimum bids startint at $135,000. Previous askiny prices for these homes ranged upto $284,900. The auctionh will take place on Sun.
, June 21 at 1 p.m. at the Embassyu Suites at CentennialOlympic Park, at 267 Marietta St. officials will be availablse onsite on June 12 and June 19 to discuss financingf options through the HomeAtlanta Down-Paymenft Assistance Program. The program provide s funding to eligible homebuyers for purchase of a new or existiny home with as littlesas $1,500 down and may be used to pay all or a portionn of the closing costs and/or the down paymenft associated with purchasing a home at Duo.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ford will stop Claycomo F-150 production for a week - Triangle Business Journal:
The UAW Local 249 posted the informatiom in a newsletter on its Web Local 249 Vice President Bobby Wyse confirmec Monday that the informationis accurate. The productiom stoppage comes a week before an alread yscheduled one-week summer break for the entire plan starting June 29, a Local 249 spokeswoman said. The plantr also is scheduled for a summert break during the weekof Aug. 17. Sales of Ford F-seriese trucks were 33,381 in May, up 16 percent from 28,75u in April but down 22.3 percenr from 42,973 in May 2008. UAW Local 249 said the slighr increasein month-to-month sales enabled Ford (NYSE: F) to cance the scheduled down week on June 22 at its F-1509 truck plant in Mich.
, but the down week was left intac t at the Kansas City Assemblyy Plant. “This is partially due to depleted fund forthe state’s Division of Unemployment in Michigan, makintg down weeks at (Dearborn) less of an option,” the Local 249 said in the Local 249 added that sales projections continuse to be less than the five shiftsz at the two truck plants can produce if they work full time througuh the 2010 production year. Ford runs two shiftsw at Claycomo and threein Dearborn.
Wyse said Ford is considerinh once again moving a shift fromthe F-150 side of the Kansasx City Assembly Plant and putting them to work on the SUV However, nothing has been determined so far, he A year ago, Ford moved about 800 workerxs from a second shift on the F-150 side of the Kansass City plant to a third shifr on the SUV side. The employeez were moved back tothe F-15p side on Jan. 12. Ford Escape sales in May reached up 20.6 percent from 13,596 in Aprio but down 7.2 percent from 17,667 in May 2008. The Kansas City Assemblg Plant also produces the Mercury Mariner and hybrid versiond of the Ford Escape andMercurg Mariner.
Combined sales of hybrid versions of the Ford Mercury Milan, Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner reached 3,906y in May, a new company record. The old sales record of 3,420 hybrid vehiclex was set inApril 2006. As of May, Ford’ s Kansas City Assembly Plant in Claycomo hadabout 3,900 hourly and 200 salaried employees.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Masvidal kicks off Strikeforce with a decision over Evangelista - Yahoo! Sports (blog) | Masvidal kicks off Strikeforce with a decision over Evangelista Yahoo! Sports (blog) Henderson kicked off with a unanimous decision for Jorge Masvidal, as he won 30-27 on » |
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Dog Asbos will hold owners to account - Scotland on Sunday
Gainsborough Standard | Dog Asbos will hold owners to account Scotland on Sunday NEW "pet Asbos" designed to hold to account owners of dangerous dogs came into force across Scotland yesterday. Under the Dangerous Dogs Act, owners can also be fined up to £1000 if they fail to control their pets. ... Irresponsible dog owners targeted Dangerous dog law comes into force |