Monday, August 30, 2010
On eve of signing deadline, Ritter OKs bills for truckers, movies, restaurants - Boston Business Journal:
But economic developers and investors must continu to wait to see if the governor will come to theit aidbefore Friday’s deadline to sign or veto Ritter began the day at the Alliance for Sustainablwe Colorado Center in downtown signing three bills that he said will continue to builxd the state’s “New Energy Economy.” House Bill sponsored by Reps. Buffie McFadyen, D-Pueblo West, and Cory R-Yuma, lets trucking companies get 25 percen t reimbursement of the cost of buying andinstalling fuel-efficient technologied and emission-control devices.
More McFadyen said, it prorates sales tax on trucking equipmenyt based on the percentage of miles companies drive in Colorado and it allowz truckers finally to take advantageof enterprise-zone tax “This bill is so incrediblyg important to the industry, not only for the environmentg but for the survival of truckers that are in she said while tearing up at the House Bill 1331, sponsored by Rep. Sara D-Arvada, expands the pool of vehicles eligiblefor alternative-fuell tax credits to include thosr that run on cleaner-burning natural gas. It also eliminatesd eligibility for some hybrid vehicleds that arenot fuel-efficient, said sponsoring Sen. Bettuy Boyd, D-Lakewood.
Ritter noted that the Colorado Oil and Gas Associationm and the nonprofit grou Environment Colorado both supportedthe measure. “If COGA and Environmentt Colorado agree, it has to be a great he said. And Senate Bill 75, championed by the compant Aspen Electric Carsand Carts, allows drivers to operate low-speerd electric vehicles on most roads with speed limitzs of 35 mph or lower. From there, Ritte went to the offices in Denver and signed a measureto re-establish the Coloradp Office of Film, Television and House Bill 1010, sponsored by Rep. Tom Massey, R-Ponchw Springs, and former Rep.
Anne McGihon, allows the office to solicitf gifts and donations to offer incentives to produceres to make films inthe “I believe this move signalsx that Colorado is becoming serious about attracting production to the state once again,” said Kevin Shand, executive director of the Colorad Film Commission. “By becoming part of the state once the film office will once againb have resources to market Colorado effectively and help expand our economif development efforts in a new anddifferent Finally, Ritter returned to his Capitol officee to sign nine separatre bills, including measures to help the restaurant and broadbandx industries. Senate Bill 121, sponsored by Sen.
Al White, eliminates the sales and use tax restaurants must pay when offerinv freeor reduced-price meals to employees. Senate Bill 162, sponsore by Sen. Gail Schwartz, D-Snowmass requires the Office of Informatiomn Technology to create a map of where broadbande technology is available and not available inthe state. Ritterr has not announced his intentions on at least two bille being watched closely by thebusiness however. One is Senate Bill 173, whicuh would allow local governments to work with the statre Economic Development Commission to offer incentives to attract andbuildc tourism-generating projects.
The bill is considered key to landinb either of twopotential auto-racetrack projects east of The other is House Bill 1366, which limits the Colorado-sourcwe capital gains subtraction to the first $100,0090 of gains on assets held for five yearz or more. If signed, the bill woulc generate $15.8 million to help balance the budget.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
McKee tries to ease project concerns with YouTube video - Business First of Columbus:
McKee said his company has spenf $1.4 million on mowing lawns, boardintg up buildings and maintaining propertiees on theNorth side. “I know that some of you think we haven’t maintained them properly,” he said in a videok of sitting behind his office’s desk. “Maybe a few year ago we hadn’t, but we have worked very hard to do this and to do itrighg … Many people think that we own all the derelict buildings on the North side, which is certainly not the He then encouraged residents to call his officd at 636-561-9300 to report building maintenance problems.
McKee also trief to ease fears about the restoration ofhistoric buildings, including the , sayint that most of the buildings will not be destroyed and many will be Residents and city leadersx have also raised questions about whethere this project is any different from “The difference is we did not bringy this forward until we had enougn land to make this happen,” McKe e said. “That’s why we have been so quietg for fiveyears … But after spendinhg five years and millions of dollars buyinb land and analyzing the vision and creating the I firmly believe this project will Pending a process for capturing public inputy and state tax credits, McKed said his company would like to start some infrastructurre work in early spring 2010.
The include 3.5 million square feet of offics space, one million squard feet of retail space, one million squar feet of service tech four corporate campusesand 10,000 houses in a doze n different residential neighborhoods spread out over 2,100 acres.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tax credit program could spark new private investment - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The program, New Markets Tax Credit, is designec to stimulate economic development and job creatiomin low-income communities by attracting investmentg capital from the private sector. On Oct. 5, the allocatede $930 million in tax credits to 11 organizationse that have created community developmenr entities and identified Florida as among the aread nationally they wantto serve. The 2007 allocations were the fiftnh round of funding for the which permits individual and corporate taxpayerss to receive a credit against federapl income taxes for investingin CDEs. Sinc its inception, the program has allocated $16 billion in tax credits.
"It's a way to get the private sectort to invest in projects thatotherwise aren'ty done because they are viewed as too risky," said Bill a spokesman for the , which administers the program. None of the CDEs receiving 2007 allocationds for tax credits were basedrin Florida, but many have strong ties to the stater and the Tampa Bay area, including CDEs associatedx with the area's biggest banks. To date, the Orlando-basesd is the only community development entity headquartered in the stats to be allocated New Markets Tax in Tampa wants to follow inits footsteps.
, a whollgy owned subsidiary ofAccentia ( : got the go-ahead to apply for New Marketds Tax Credits after receiving notice from the Treasuryu Department that has qualified as a CDE. Anothetr Accentia subsidiary, Biovest International (OTCB: BVTI), attracted $19 millioh from the program to buildf a manufacturing plantin St. Louis last year. Biovest was awardeed New Markets Tax Credits bythe ; then Minneapolis-based ( : USB) purchases the credits. The St. Louis plant manufactures cell cultureequipmenf that's used to produce BiovaxID, a personalized cancet vaccine to treat patients with non-Hodgkin'sw lymphoma.
Biovest is analyzing data from the finak stages of clinical testingyfor BiovaxID, said Susa Bonitz, director of programn coordination at Accentia. The analysis has to be done beforw Biovest decides where to locate a commercial manufacturing facility provided the vaccine wins regulatory The University of Sout h Florida included plans foran $80 million Biovest facilitt when it won $8 millionj in state funding for a in Biomolecular Identification and Targeted Therapeutics.
Rod executive director of the , said he talkesd with Biovest officialsin June, after the companhy cleared a major regulatory "We've been patient with understanding their priorities changed because of that success, and we were assuredc they are still intending to be part of the Center of Casto said. "They just needed to put their nose to the grindstonr on thoseclinical trials."
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tom Salerno, a bankruptcy attorne representing Moyes and the Coyotes inthe team’x Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, said he and Moyess are open to purchase offers that would keep the team in Glendal but stresses the need to be realistic about the viability of hockeuy in Phoenix. “We welcome any and all It’s about getting the best price you said Salerno, a Phoenix attorney with LLP. The Nationalp Hockey League has said it will unveil an offer by the end of the week that promisesx to keep the team in Glendale where the Coyotesx playat Arena.
Moyes wantz to sell the Coyotes to Canadian billionaire Jim Balsilliefor $213 million a deal that calls for a move to Ontario. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Redfieldf T. Baum set an Aug. 5 date for an auctiob to sell the team to an owner who coulde keep the team in Arizona and a backup dateof Sept. 10 in case that fallx through. Salerno said Baum’s foremost charge is to find the best deal forthe team’s creditors.
He notes that the Coyotes have lost morethan $315 millionm since moving to the Phoenix area from Winnipeg in 1996 and coul d lose more than $40 million this The NHL has been funding the team’s operations sincse November 2008 and has said it will do so untiol a new owner is found.
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Rev. Franklin Graham Says President Obama was 'Born a Muslim' - ABC News
CNN | The Rev. Franklin Graham Says President Obama was 'Born a Muslim' ABC News On the heels of a new poll suggesting that nearly one in five Americans incorrectly believes that President Obama is a Muslim, one of the nation's most prominent evangelical leaders has weighed in with a seemingly lukewarm ... Who, exactly, is a 'Christian'? Obama? You? One Fifth (Wrongly) Think Obama's Muslim 6 in 10 Americans are against the war in Afghanistan, as President Obama sends ... |
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
General Motors unveils plans for a massive share sale - BBC News | General Motors unveils plans for a massive share sale BBC News General Motors has paved the way for an initial public offering (IPO), expected to be the second largest share sale in US history. GM, 60%-owned by the US government, has offici » |
Monday, August 16, 2010
Reid Breaks With Obama Over Proposed Ground Zero Mosque - FOXNews
New York Daily News | Reid Breaks With Obama Over Proposed Ground Zero Mosque FOXNews AP The site of a planned mosque is shown two blocks from the World Trade Center, Friday, Aug. 13, 2010 in New York. President Barack Obama on Friday will speak up for religious freedom at a dinner celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, ... Sen. Harry Reid Breaks With Obama Over 'Ground Zero Mosque' Harry Reid: Ground Zero Mosque "Should be Built Some Place Else" 44: Harry Reid -- Build mosque 'someplace else' |
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Obama under fire over support for mosque near Ground Zero - The Guardian
Globe and Mail | Obama under fire over support for mosque near Ground Zero The Guardian Barack Obama has come under attack from American conservatives for supporting plans to build a mosque two blocks from the site of one of the terror attacks of 11 September 2001. The proposal for a mosque and community centre near the site of the World ... Pres. Obama on NY Islamic center comments Obama Pushes Back on Mosque Controversy Obama supports 'the right' for ground zero mosque |
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Prop 8 stay ends next week, setting stage for California gay marriage - Christian Science Monitor
The Guardian (blog) | Prop 8 stay ends next week, setting stage for California gay marriage Christian Science Monitor The Prop 8 stay imposed by US District Judge Vaughn Walker, who ruled last week that the California gay-marriage ban was unconstitutional, is set to expire Aug. 18, clearing the way for same-sex marriage in California. Billy Bradford of Castro V » |
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
EADS executive, former NASA chief Sean O'Keefe survives Alaska plane crash - Washington Post
Globe and Mail | EADS executive, former NASA chief Sean O'Keefe survives Alaska plane crash Washington Post Former senator Ted Stevens, one of the most powerful congressmen of his generation, is believed to have been on an airplane that crashed in a remote part of southwest Alaska. By Marjorie Censer Former NASA administrator Sean O'Keefe, who survived ... Ted Stevens, 86, Helped Shape Alaska in 40 Years in Senate NASA administrator survives plane crash Troopers ID victims of crash that killed Stevens |
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Actress Jodie Fisher at center of HP harassment claim - CNNMoney
Washington Post | Actress Jodie Fisher at center of HP harassment claim CNNMoney By CNNMoney staffAugust 8, 2010: 10:12 PM ET NEW YORK ( -- The woman whose sexual harassment claim led to HP CEO Mark Hurd's downf » |
Friday, August 6, 2010
HP Contractor Didn't Have Sex With Hurd, Lawyer Says - BusinessWeek
Reuters | HP Contractor Didn't Have Sex With Hurd, Lawyer Says BusinessWeek Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- The Hewlett-Packard Co. contractor accusing former Chief Executive Officer Mark Hurd of sexual harassment didn't have an affair or a sexual relationship with him, said Gloria » |
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Colorful elation and sullen disappointment follow Prop. 8 ruling - Los Angeles Times
Globe and Mail | Colorful elation and sullen disappointment follow Prop. 8 ruling Los Angeles Times Revelers in San Francisco, West Hollywood and elsewhere hit the streets singing after a federal judge strikes down California's ban on same-sex marriage. Opponents are already working on an appeal. Steve Proo joined hundreds of other gay-rights ... In Same-Sex Ruling, an Eye on the Supreme Court The enemies of gay marriage Gay Rights Advocates Applaud Decision To Overturn Prop 8 |
Monday, August 2, 2010
BP test for 'static kill' in Gulf could take place Tuesday - CNN
Los Angeles Times | BP test for 'static kill' in Gulf could take place Tuesday CNN By the CNN Wire Staff New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- A crucial test -- meant to determine whether an effort to seal the ruptured BP oil well in the Gulf of Mexico could proceed -- will likely take place Tuesday, according to the company. ... Spill estimate narrows Oil spill size near upper range of earlier estimates Day 104: The Latest on the Oil Spill |
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Scoop on Chelsea Clinton's Wedding Gown - People Magazine
The Hindu | The Scoop on Chelsea Clinton's Wedding Gown People Magazine The months of speculation on whom Chelsea Clinton would choose to design her wedding dress are fin » |